18th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle B, Year II)
Exodus 16:2-4,12-15
Psalm 78:3-4,23-25,54
Ephesians 4:17,20-24
John 6:24-35
Community Word: Jesus the living bread is our way to eternal life.
Eternal life is believing in Jesus as the true bread from heaven.
I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me will never
hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst.”
(Jn 6:35)
The readings for this Sunday tell us about the kind of food God gives His people,
food that nourishes our physical bodies and food for our spirit – The Word, who is
In the first reading, it is easy to surmise that the Israelites, whom God freed from
slavery in Egypt were still unbelieving of the power of God, despite the many
miracles they have witnessed in the course of their journey. Their faith in God
was fleeting, depending on God’s response to their needs, such that they were
constantly grumbling. Albeit free, they even expressed preference to being
slaves of the Pharaoh, rather than go hungry.
In the 2nd reading, St. Paul challenges us to live our new lives “in accord with
the truth that is in Jesus,” namely, that we must lay aside our former way
of life and the old self, which deteriorates through illusion and desire (…like
pagans whose minds are empty) and acquire a fresh, spiritual way of thinking.
”Put on that new man created in God’s image, whose justice and holiness
are born of truth,” (Eph 4:20-24). The Word of God nourishes us by giving
us an understanding of who God is and His great love for mankind. Scripture
also reveals to us our own nature. It makes us see our own humanity, our
strengths and many weaknesses vis a vis the love of God that surpasses all
understanding. As we grow in our knowledge of Him, reading the Word of God
allows us to grow in our faith in Him,
In the Gospel, Jesus exhorts us to work more for food that does not perish but
gives eternal life. Not that we are to refuse, or fast, from food all our life. In
fact, He wants us to enjoy life, and food is one of the blessings and expressions
of God’s abundant love. But giving too much importance to food turns us into
gluttons starved of spiritual nourishment. Today, excessive attention is given
to food that feeds our physical bodies. Turn on the TV and you find numerous
channels featuring food and gourmet cooking and recipes that make our mouths
water. Chefs are the new TV stars, as they make simple dishes look oh so tasty
and palatable. And they make much money out of it too. The hysteria over
culinary arts and gourmet cooking seduces much man’s appetite for food, to
the point of sometimes glorifying the glutton or the bizarre. We are treated to
outlandish shows that challenge the fiercest in weird gastronomic competitions,
like eating live snakes that bite back as you eat them. Surely, this is not what
God intended. He wants us to be His, and to be properly nourished, not only by
food, but by His Word, that we become holy, strong and able to overcome the
test of times.
“I myself am the bread of life; whosoever comes to me shall never hunger;
whosoever believes in me shall never thirst.” (John 6: 35)
Jesus, You are God’s Word given us by the Father. Only in You do we live, and
move and have our being. Help us to know You more and to faithfully believe
in Your Word, assimilating it in our lives, so that our faith will grow stronger. We
want to live holy lives and be like You – holy and pleasing to the Father. May our
minds and thoughts of our hearts be likewise pleasing to You. We pray in Your
Name, Jesus. Amen.
Reflection Questions:
1. How often do I read God’s Word? How much time do I spend studying the
Word of God?
2. Share how God’s Word helped you in your daily life.
Next Week’s Daily Mass Reading Guide:
August 6, 2012 (Mon)
August 7, 2012 (Tue)
August 8, 2012 (Wed)
August 9, 2012 (Thu)
August 10, 2012 (Fri)
August 11.2012 (Sat)
“Ignorance of the Bible is ignorance of Christ. Read your Bible daily!”
Dn 7:9-10,13,14/ Ps 97:1,2,5,6,9/2Pt 1:16-19/Mk 9:2-10
Jer 30:1-2,12-15,18-22/ Ps 102:16-21,29,22-23/
Mt 14:22-36 or 15:1,2,10-14
Jer 31:1-7/ Jer 31:10-13/ Mt 15:21-28
Jer 31:31-34/ Ps 51:12-15,18,19/ Mt 16:13-23
2Cor 9:6-10/ Ps 112:1,2,5-9/ Jn 12:24-26
Ha 1:12-2:4/ Ps 9:8-13/ Mt 17:4-20