Vision and Mision
The BLD Covenant Community throughout the world is of one heart, mind, and spirit in sharing a common vision and mission, based on Christian love and faith, service and worship.
The BLD Covenant Community Vision
We are a Community of Disciples inspired by the Holy Spirit to be living witnesses for transformation in Christ to bring about a world of justice, human development and true peace.
The BLD Covenant Community Mission
In response to the challenges of our particular place, time, and culture:
For our Families
We will evangelize families and build communities of faith through Encounters, Life in the Spirit Seminars, and Discipleship Formation
We will give formation on personal and family prayer, pro-life values, Catholic social teachings, and stewardship.
For our BLD Communities
We will actively participate in the life and mission of the Church in accord with our God-given gifts.
For our Country
We will work on poverty alleviation through scholarships, housing for the poor, and advocacies for life, environment, and good governance