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Reflection for December 2012

Word: Disciples of Christ prepare with vigilance and rejoicing for His coming.

Order: “Be vigilant at all times and pray that you have the strength to escape the tribulations that are imminent and to stand before the Son of Man.”  (Lk 21:36)

December is the month when the Christian world brims over with excitement and anticipation at the birth of the Saviour. It is a very special and momentous occasion, one that invites preparations well ahead of time, including gift buying for love ones, family and friends, putting up the Christmas tree, the lights and the decorations, and buying ingredients for the traditional Noche Buena, not to mention other holiday parties and festivities.

For indeed, a Star is born to us who believe in Christ, the One sent by God for the salvation of the world. Christmas is definitely a time of joy.

But what does Christmas really mean to each one of us? When we were kids, we looked with great anticipation to the coming of Christmas.  It meant receiving gifts having new toys, new clothes, new shoes.  We were enthralled by the glow of Christmas lights, and enticed with sumptuous food on the table.  For some children, it is even a fun way to earn a little extra pocket money, singing Christmas carols from house to house within the neighborhood.  But as childhood gives way to adulthood, the burden of responsibilities, the demands of family traditions and cultural expectations shift over onto our shoulders.  And that means stress and pressure, because now it is our turn to give gifts.  That is why perhaps it is fair to say that Christmas is really for kids, it is they who derive the greatest pleasure and joy from it, with none of the responsibilities.

But that is the worldly and materialistic view, and can rob us of the joy that true appreciation of the season should bring.  It distorts the real meaning of Christmas.

The first Sunday of Advent exhorts us to “be vigilant at all times and pray that you have the strength to escape the tribulations that are imminent and to stand before the Son of Man.” (Lk 21:36)  It is clear that our preparation should be geared towards holiness, rather than mere superficial preoccupation with partying, gift-giving and fleeting fun.  The birth of Jesus into this world is truly an awesome event, an occasion for joy because salvation has come to us.  The gift we give should reflect love and not compulsion, because the objective of our gift-giving should be to express our love for Jesus.

In 1 Thessalonians 3:12, St Paul says, “May the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all…so as to strengthen your hearts, to be blameless in holiness before our God and Father at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his holy ones.”  The birth of Jesus is just the beginning of our journey to new life.  The message conveyed to us by this first Sunday and the following Sundays of Advent, is awareness of end times and our future destiny, eternal life with God.   That is why we all are asked to be vigilant that we may be able to stand the test and trials of life, by acts of mercy and love towards our brethren.  Gift-giving is all right, provided our motivation is love and not obligation, or personal gain. Sharing our love with people can be expressed in many ways – by way of the gift of our time, talent and/or treasures.  In whatever way we demonstrate love, one thing is sure, if our motives are pure, God is pleased because He sees what is in our hearts.  And the sense of fulfillment we experience as we give of ourselves in love will be incomparable, because Jesus our Lord is our justice (Jer 33:16); He is our reward.

Let our Community Word, Order, Theme and Promise for each week, Directions and Prophecies (refer to the Community Word for December 2012), be our guide and personal message from Christ as we endeavor to best apply the real message of Christmas to our daily living:

We prepare for the coming of Christ:
Week 1 – when we do what is right and just.
Week 2 – when we strive for peace, unity and love.
Week 3 – when we rejoice with gladness and are renewed in His love.

We celebrate the coming of Christ:
Week 4 – when we believe, like Mary, in God’s word.
Week 5 – when we honor and obey the commandments of God.

Within community, there are many ways to give and show love this Christmas season.  Aside from exchanges of gifts from among individuals, ministries and apostolates, let us look into the welfare of each member.  Let us be more sensitive to the needs of the sick, the afflicted, and the oppressed. Let us stretch out our hands and give of ourselves to those who need our prayers, comfort those who are lonely, or are emotionally distressed, or need help in healing broken relationships.  Let us also support our mission programs and be a source of life in community.  Let us keep a happy and hopeful disposition.  Let our rejoicing be felt by each one as we share our blessings in response to God’s call.  Let us be more vibrant in love, for our community is God’s gift to each one of us.  A Blessed and Merry Christmas to all!

Lord Jesus Christ, as we celebrate Your birthday once again, cause each one of us to always be mindful of why You were sent to us… for You are the reflection of God’s love.  May we respond to this love by reverencing, emulating and sharing Your love with everyone You send our way. Amen.


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