2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle C, Year I)
Community Word: Like Mary, we are the light of the New Evangelization.
Theme: We are the light of the New Evangelization when we honor and obey Jesus
Promise: “…He chose us in Him, before the foundation of the world, to be holy and without blemish.” (Eph 1:4)
Central to the festivities in the Feast of Santo Nino is to know Jesus as a child possessing child-like qualities of innocence, humility and trusting attitude. It also reminds us to have more understanding and patience with children for they too are heirs to His Kingdom.
Children are truly God’s blessing to families. We know this for we were children once – playful, innocent, and obedient and probably for some, a favorite member of the family. Now as grownups, we realize it is our time to lead our children in their walk to Jesus and guide them to receive God’s graces.
As parents we are made stewards and instruments of Gods’ grace in bringing our children to Jesus. For the Lord knows there is no prayer more powerful than a mother’s or father’s prayer for a child and that there can be no substitute for the love we can give, the care we can unselfishly provide and the concern to guide our children in the right path, “… for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these,” (Mark 10:14).
A child’s family experiences and witnessing greatly influence his right idea of who God is – loving, providing, forgiving. Are family members living consistently humane and holy Christian values in and out of the church? If after worship and other religious activities, we are still unkind, harsh and unjust to others, or continue to engage in illegal acts or vices, will the child not get confused on which value to follow? Spirituality is basically molded and nurtured at home. It is where the children draw strength as they mature and learn to cope with the realities of life. The family is first and foremost, the spiritual school for everyone where the seed of reverence and intimate relationship with God is planted.
Let us always keep in mind Jesus’ exhortation on spiritual child-likeness, – that in our smallness, insignificance, and nothingness, only our total dependence, trust and obedience will bring us to God, who is more powerful than us. Let us place our complete faith and hope in God and implore His love and blessing upon all of us, His children.
Like a growing child, we meet challenges as we progress in knowledge and maturity. Unfortunately, despite the teachings given to us during our formation years, many refuse to grow and appreciate to live out these learning. As we aim to deepen our spirituality, let us always be conscious of our attitude, our commitment and firm resolve to do better and be a better person day by day.
The devotion to the Santo Nino should inspire us to grow spiritually and be more like the child Jesus, who “as he grew in age, progressed steadily in wisdom and grace”, (Luke 2:52). Religiosity and pious acts should have deeper spiritual impact on the lives of devotees. Religiosity does not consist of acts of worship alone. The faith which we profess should be evident on how we live our lives in all places and circumstances. A matured Christian should break free from his pride and self-centered ways. He should always strive to dialogue with respect and obedience and thus be worthy of the dignity as a child of God.
Reflection questions:
1. In my many years in Community, can I confidently tell my God that I am progressing in wisdom and grace?
2. How faithful am I to the devotional traditions and practices of the Church? Do these make me more aware
on how I ought to live?
This Week’s Daily Mass Reading Guide:
January 20, 2013 (Sun) Is 9:1-6/Ps 98:1-6/ Eph 1:3-6,15-18/ Lk 2:41-52
January 21, 2013 (Mon) Heb 5:1-10/ Ps 110:1-4/ Mk 2:18-22
January 22, 2013 (Tues) Heb 6:10-20/ Ps 111:1,2,4,5,9,10/ Mk 2:23-28
January 23, 2013 (Wed) Heb 7:1-3,15-17/ Ps 110:1-4/ Mk 3:1-6
January 24, 2013 (Thur) Heb 7:25-8:6/ Ps 40:8-10,17/ Mk 3:7-12
January 25, 2013 (Fri) Acts 22:3-16 or Acts 9:1-22/ Ps 117:1,2/ Mk 16:15-18
January 26, 2013 (Sat) 2Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5/ Ps 96:1-3,7,8/ Lk 10:1-9
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