Community Word: Disciples of the Risen Christ are sent to evangelize unbelievers.
Theme: We are disciples of the Risen Christ when we heed His words, feed and tend His sheep.
Promise: “Cast the net over the right side of the boat and you will find something.” (Jn 21:6)
Why is it so difficult to be a disciple of Jesus? Today’s readings shed light on what it takes to be His follower. In the first reading, the drastic change in Peter’s attitude toward the Sanhedrin becomes evident. Not too long ago before a servant-maid, he denied even knowing Jesus, three times, for fear of being brought before this same body that was the highest religious power in the land.
This time around, we see a totally different Peter, who fearlessly proclaims the divinity of Jesus before the same men responsible for condemning and crucifying Him like a common criminal.
As members of a community like BLD, we are not unlike Peter who believes that Jesus is God and that our life here on earth is a passing journey towards heaven, which is our final destination. In order to attain eternal life, we obey the Lord’s command to bring the Good News and proclaim the Kingdom of God to those who are in darkness. But what could set us apart from Peter is the courage he demonstrated before the Sanhedrin in defense of his faith, regardless of the imminent risk and danger.
As followers of Jesus, we need to look into our hearts and see if we have the same tenacity and obstinacy as Peter did. As we face contemporary moral issues such as birth control, same sex marriage, divorce and the like, do we have the courage to stand up for our faith and defend it. There are countless martyrs who gave up their earthly lives in defense of their faith and they too were ordinary earthlings no different from BLD members. We are not being asked to give up our lives like the martyrs. But we are asked to preach Jesus Christ by being living witnesses of His love and grace. This is in fact the BLD Vision i.e., “We are a community of disciples inspired by the Hoy Spirit to be living witnesses for transformation in Christ…”
Easter is a good time to renew our life and re-establish our purpose on earth and our reason for being part of a renewal community. Like Peter, we too received the New Life of the Lord on Easter Sunday – a life that is eternal. Nothing could dissuade him from preaching Jesus, not even the Sanhedrin. “Then they left the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the name,” (Acts 5:41). We are reminded to do the same in our theme for this week – ‘We are disciples of the Risen Christ when we heed His words, feed and tend His sheep.’ When we do, we are assured not only of reaching our heavenly destination but also of taking along our brothers and sisters who have lost their way.
The gospel reading continues to expound on the demands of being a follower of Jesus. This biblical scene is the scriptural foundation of the Pastoral Care Program of BLD. Jesus enjoins Peter not only once but three times – “Feed my lambs,” “Tend my sheep,” and “Feed my sheep.” Peter was being called to show that he really loved Jesus by caring for the Lord’s people. Do we really love Jesus? If we really love Him, we are to care for those we are asked to pastor including our LSS lambs as well as anyone else entrusted to us. The longer we are in community, the larger our territory with more lambs to tend and feed. Now is a good time to dig into our hearts and assess how well we have obeyed the Lord’s command to care for His people.
Jesus taught the disciples through Peter the art of catching people. It was not enough for the apostles to love Jesus who is all-powerful, all-merciful, all-good and all-loving. Loving Jesus meant loving the people He cared and died for, no matter what trials and obstacles come our way. Through this arduous journey of discipleship, whenever we get discouraged, the Lord promises, “Cast the net over the right side of the boat and you will find something.” (Jn 21:6)
Lord, it is not easy to be your disciple. You command us to show our love for You by loving those whom you care for and died for. We are weak and human as we are, we get discouraged as we go about fulfilling our mission of proclaiming Your kingdom. But in dying on the cross and rising again at Your glorious Resurrection, You give us a new life of hope and victory. This Easter, we claim the glory that You promised those who believe in You. Give us the grace to be like Peter who fearlessly defended His faith in front of the Sanhedrin, the highest court of the land. Give us the grace to pastor those whom You have entrusted in our care to show You how much we truly love You. Then we can claim our eternal life in heaven in Your divine presence. All these we ask in the mighty name of Your Son Jesus.
Reflection Question:
1. Who are the people that Jesus has entrusted in your care and how do you pastor and love them to obey
the Lord’s command?
2. What can you do today that will show your stewardship of the Lord’s people and enable them to live
a new life with Jesus?
This Week’s Daily Mass Reading Guide:
April 14, 2013 (Sun) Acts 5:27-32,40,41/ Ps 30:2,4,5,6,11,12,13/Rv 5:11-14/Jn 21:1-19 or 21:1-14
April 15, 2013 (Mon) Acts 6:8-15/Ps 119:23,24,26,27,29,30/Jn 6:22-29
April 16, 2013 (Tues) Acts 7:51-8:1/Ps 31:3,4,6-8,17-21/Jn 6:30-35
April 17, 2013 (Wed) Acts 8:1-8/Ps 1-7/Jn 6:35-40
April 18, 2013 (Thur) Acts 8:26-40/Ps 66:8,9,16,17,20/Jn 6:44-51
April 19, 2013 (Fri) Acts 9:1-20/Ps 117:1,2/Jn 6:52-59
April 20, 2013 (Sat) Acts 9:31-42/Ps 116:1-17/Jn 6:60-69
“Ignorance of the Bible is ignorance of Christ. Read your Bible daily!”