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Reflection for September 2013

WORD: True disciples bear the nature and character of Jesus.

ORDER: “Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.”  ( Lk 14:27)

Our first lesson from Jesus this month is about humility.  It is the most important virtue we should have, if we are to follow and honor Christ, remain faithful to God, and obey the directions presented to us for the rest of the month.

The readings of the Sundays of September 2013 speak of the values Jesus wants us to appreciate and demonstrate in our lives so that, as stated in our Word for the month, we may bear the nature and character of Jesus and become His true disciples.

The Gospel Acclamation on the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time is taken from Mat 11:29, “Take my yoke upon you, says the Lord, and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart.”  It is Jesus himself who invites us to learn from Him, to imitate His character of meekness, humility, gentleness and lowliness of heart.  Pride is the opposite of humility, but man by nature is proud, the degree of pride varying only from person to person.  We fall short of the glory of God because of pride.  It was pride that tempted Adam and Eve to disobey God.  Pride was the cause of Lucifer’s fall from grace.  As disciples of Jesus, our aim is to earn a place with Him for eternity.  But we cannot follow Jesus without the grace He bestows on us as we seek Him.  We cannot, on our own understanding and strength, be like Him without the empowerment of His Spirit.  We move by His grace.

Therefore, it is important to know and acknowledge the truth about ourselves.  What are our personal weaknesses and strengths?  As we gain a clearer understanding of who we really are, and recognize our need for someone who is far stronger and wiser than we are, it becomes easier to possess that attitude of humility, and find favor with God.  “What is too sublime for you, seek not, into things beyond your strength search not,” (Sir 3:20).  God gave us Jesus to be the anchor of our minds, hearts and strength.  For only in Jesus can we find the truth of who we are and the purpose for which we are created.  In Christ alone do we move and have our being.  All glory belongs to Him.

“For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted,” (Lk 14:11).  Jesus gave as an example in the parable of the ambitious guests.  When invited to a feast, He warns that it is better to sit at the lowest seat and wait for the host to invite you to move up higher.  In other words, we are not presume to occupy the best seats, because it may have been reserved for someone else of greater importance, and it would be embarrassing to be asked to move down.  Presumptuousness is a sin of pride.  When we think too highly of ourselves, presume ourselves to be important, and insist on our ‘entitlement’, we are committing the sin of pride, and that does not speak of the character of Christ.  It is just the opposite, and speaks of the enemy.  As a host, Jesus shows a different priority: “Don’t invite family, friends or your wealthy neighbors…invite the poor, the lame, the crippled, the blind,” (Lk 14:12-13).  Why? Are we to take His words literally?  We find His answer in verse 14 which says, “blessed indeed will you be because of their inability to repay you.  For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.” 

In other words, Jesus is telling us to check our motivations.  He uses the invitation to our home and celebrations as a metaphor.  His real meaning is much deeper; it implies a preference for the poor and the under-privilege, and the ability to do something good without expecting anything in return.  Always, our humble Lord and Savior wants us to be pure of heart and intentions, maintain a humble disposition in relating to people and in the way we live, because that is what He is all about, a humble servant of God, despite His being the Son of God.  As we seek to follow Jesus and work in His Kingdom, we put His ways at the forefront of everything we do and rely solely on Him, for only in Him and through Him can the grace of salvation be ours.

Lord, You reject the proud and exalt the humble.  I come to You today, to ask You to remove every trace of pride, arrogance, conceit, haughtiness in my character. Help me to identify areas of unforgiveness, bitter root judgments and resentment, that have kept me from knowing You and following You with humility.  These prideful expressions are what keep me away from Your love, not your lack of love for me.  As I confess my sin of pride, fill me with the grace to live a life worthy of a true son/daughter of God, and to be like You  – pure, holy, righteous, trustworthy, generous, full of love and compassion.  Most of all, grant me the grace to be humble, unafraid to accept my own inadequacies, shortcomings and fears, knowing that You are there for me, at all times. I pray this in Jesus mighty name.  Amen.

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