ORDER “Whoever believes in me will do the works that I do, and will do greater ones than these.” (Jn 14:12)
1. Continue to build My kingdom and keep your hearts always burning.
1. Read the scriptures daily and open your hearts and minds to the Lord’s directions.
2. Talk to God through daily prayer.
May 4 Acts 2:14,22-28/Ps 16:1-2,5,7-8,9-10,11/1Pt 1:17-21/Lk 24:13-35
May 11 Acts 2:14,36-41/Ps 23:1-3,3-4,5,6/1Pt 2:20-25/Jn 10:1-10
May 18 Acts 6:1-7/Ps 33:1-2,4-5,18-19/1Pt 2:4-9/Jn 14:1-12
May 25 Acts 8:5-8,14-17/Ps 66:1-3,4-5,6-7,16-20/1 Pt 3:15-18/Jn 14:15-21
Week#1 (3rd Sunday of Easter)
Theme: Our hearts are emboldened for the New Evangelization when we immerse ourselves in Scripture and proclaim God’s kingdom.
Promise: “You will show me the path to life, abounding joy in your presence, the delights at your right hand forever”
(Ps 16:11)
Week#2 (4th Sunday of Easter)
Theme: Our hearts are emboldened for the New Evangelization when we listen to our Shepherd’s voice and follow Him.
Promise: “Whoever enters through me will be saved.” (Jn 10:9)
Week#3 (5th Sunday of Easter)
Theme: Our hearts are emboldened for the New Evangelization when we have faith in God and do good works.
Promise: “See the eyes of the Lord are upon those who fear him, upon those who hope for his kindness, to deliver them from death and preserve them in spite of famine.” (Ps 33:18-19)
Week#4 (6th Sunday of Easter)
Theme: Our hearts are emboldened for the New Evangelization when we love God and obey His commandments.
Promise: “Whoever has my commandments and observes them is the one who loves me. And whoever loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him.” (Jn 14:21)