Community Word: The Lord rewards those who believe in Him as the Bread of Life.
Theme: We believe in the Lord when we have unwavering faith.
Promise: “Let it be done for you as you wish.” (Mt 15:28b)
Our theme states: We believe in the Lord when we have unwavering faith. What then, should our disposition be to have an unwavering faith? Isaiah gives us a clue – “…and hold to my covenant” (Isaiah 56:6c), a statement we hear constantly in community, but sometimes overlook in the face of our daily challenges. Isaiah reminds us of the four qualities “acceptable in the Lord’s altar”. We can check our progress in our commitment to unwavering faith and our covenant, against these standards (Isaiah 56:1, 6):
• Observe what is right, do what is just – listening & obedience to God’s Word
• Minister to Him – regularly receiving the Sacraments
• Love the Name of the Lord – praising & worshiping God
• Be His servant – being a bearer of God’s Word
St. Paul’s letter to the Romans reminds us further that, as God’s disciples, our commitment and covenant – inspired by the Holy Spirit, and source of our spiritual gifts and the missionary call – are irrevocable. Daily, we may experience success and setbacks, but as we obediently exercise our gifts and call, those whom we touch will not only receive mercy and forgiveness, but grace as well. Hence, we become effective witnesses and bearers of God’s word. However, a most important ingredient to this endeavor is prayer, our constant communication and ministering to God.
In the gospel reading, we are prompted to rid ourselves of our “selective attitude in mission”, an attitude similar to that of the disciples when they complained to Jesus – “send her away, she keeps on calling us” (Matthew 15:23). Other complaints by the disciples are recorded in the past Sunday readings. Similarly, we hear complaints in community, not unlike the disciples’ “send them away” declaration – we do not have the time, resources, nor desire to ‘feed them ourselves’. Yes, there are incidents or occasions in our mission activities when we find our boundaries violated by pestering propositions, not unlike the Canaanite woman in the Gospel. Consequently, we tend to choose mission activities that are convenient to us.
Today, we are being admonished by Jesus not to be choosy, but to be more loving and compassionate, especially as we minister to hardcore unbelievers, repentant sinners and inconvenient, difficult to reach mission fields – “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel,” (Matthew 15:24). But as we change our ways and veer away from our comfort zones, casting our nets into the deep waters, God’s grace will be justified, He will have pity on us and bless us. He will let his countenance shine upon us as the Psalmist declared. As an added bonus, He will grant us the desires of our hearts as declared in our promise for the week, “Let it be done for you as you wish,” (Matthew 15:28).
Reflection Questions:
1.Can you share an experience when you encountered difficulties or trials and continued to have faith in God instead of complaining? What was your blessing?
2.How open are you in becoming a missionary of charity towards people in need?
This Week’s Daily Mass Reading Guide:
August 17, 2014 (Sun) Is 56:1,6-7/Ps 67:2-3,5,6,8/Rom 11:13-15,29-32/Mt 15:21-28
August 18, 2014 (Mon) Ez 24:15-24/Dt 32:18-19,20,21/Mt 19:16-22
August 19, 2014 (Tues) Ez 28:1-10/Dt 32:26-27,27-28,30,35-36/Mt 19:23-30
August 20, 2014 (Wed) Ez 34:1-11/Ps 23:1-3,3-4,5,6/Mt 20:1-16
August 21, 2014 (Thurs) Ez 36:23-28/Ps 51:12-13,14-15,18-19/Mt 22:1-14
August 22, 2014 (Fri) Ez 37:1-14/Ps 107:2-3,4-5,6-7,8-9/Mt 22:34-40
August 23, 2014 (Sat) Ez 43:1-7/Ps 85:9-10,11-12,13-147/Mt 23:1-12
“Ignorance of the Bible is ignorance of Christ. Read your Bible daily!”