WORD A heartfelt understanding of the sacrificial love of Jesus deepens our faith.
ORDER “Take it; this is my body…This is my blood of the covenant which will be shed for many.”(Mk 14:22b, 24)
• It is time to be still and be quiet and know that I am God.
• Honor and live the 8-point pledge as Covenanted Disciples and 5-point pledge as Committed Disciples.
June 7 Ex 24:3-8/Ps 116:12-13,15-16,17-18/Heb 9:11-15/Mk 14:12-16,22-26
June 14 Ez 17:22-24/Ps 92:2-3,13-14,15-16/2Cor 5:6-10/Mk 4:26-34
June 21 Jb 38:1,8-11/Ps 107:23-24,25-26,28-29,30-31/2Cor 5:14-17/Mk 4:35-41
June 28 Wis 1:13-15;2:23-24/Ps 30:2,4,5-6,11,12,13/2Cor 8:7,9,13-15/Mk 5:21-43
Week#1 (Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ)
Theme: Our faith is deepened when we regularly receive the Holy Eucharist.
Promise: “…those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance.” (Hb 9:15b)
Week#2 (11th Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Theme: Our faith is deepened when we allow the word of God to grow in our hearts.
Promise: “They that are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God.” (Ps 92:14)
Week#3 (12th Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Theme: Our faith is deepened when we remain steadfast in the midst of a storm.
Promise: “So whoever is in Christ is a new creation the old things have passed away, behold new things have come.”(2Cor 5:17)
Week#4 (13th Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Theme: Our faith is deepened when we bring the healing love of Jesus to others.
Promise: “…your faith has saved you. Go in peace and be cured of your affliction.” (Mk 5:34)
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