2 Kings 4:42-44
Psalm 145:10,11,15-18
Ephesians 4:1-6
John 6:1-15
Community Word: Our faith in the Good Shepherd gives power to our community.
Theme: We demonstrate faith in the Good Shepherd when we rely on His provisions.
Promise: “… You give them their food in due season; you open your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing.” (Ps 145:15b-16)
In our gospel this week, we learn that while showing compassion for the spiritual thirst of the large crowd that followed after him (Jn 6:2), Jesus also demonstrated concern for the physical well-being of their bodies. He satisfied their physical hunger by performing a miracle. Taking note of a young boy’s generous disposition in relation to his five barley loaves and a couple of fish, Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks and distributed these (Jn. 6:10) to the crowd. He made use of the boy’s spontaneous generosity as the starting point of yet another great miracle, the feeding of five thousand people.
What Jesus reveals in this instance is his Good Shepherd’s heart. His example challenges us to do something ourselves for those in need. God always gives us numerous opportunities so that we can help other people too. Jesus wants us to realize the value of sharing that we may, in the process, learn the virtue of generosity. Miracles happen when we care and willingly share of ourselves and of our resources. Out of the multitude waiting to witness more of Jesus’s miracles, it is this little boy who exemplifies the spirit of caring and sharing.
To this day, while we lay claim to optimum productivity and unprecedented harvests thanks to modernization and advances in technology, many people still die of malnutrition, or hunger related diseases. Why? Is it because rich nations continue to hoard their wealth, unwilling to share or help the poor of the earth? Or could it be because a great deal of basic staples like cereals is used as feed for fattening animals rather than for human consumption? Are the rich so deeply engrossed in their investment returns, they are unmindful of the scarcity and want among the poor? Is there no sense of urgency in addressing the starvation happening in parts of the world today? Present day disciples should draw inspiration and be challenged by what Jesus did two thousand years ago in his compassionate response as shepherd to the needy.
The story of the multiplication of bread and fish is so significant, all four gospel writers tell us about this event. The disciples of Jesus initially lacked faith, as demonstrated by their suggestion for Jesus to dismiss the crowd (Mt. 14:15). But they later realized, with faith, there is no limit to what we can do. When we have faith, we become extremely powerful. Why? Because when we act with faith, we are allowing God Himself to work in and through us. Let us open ourselves to His grace so that He can accomplish whatever He wishes to accomplish through us.
We Christians have to always bear in mind that the fruit of God’s blessings is for everyone. We have a moral responsibility in reminding everyone about this truth, and especially that of sharing God’s blessings with those who are most in need. We are to emulate the attitude of the generous boy who, sensing the need to share, offered to do so on his own volition. If we can be as selfless and understanding of one another’s needs, as this boy was, then miracles will happen around us anytime, anywhere, in every way. Sharing is not the monopoly of those who have much for, as it is rightly said, no one is so poor he cannot give; no one is so rich, he cannot receive.
Reflection Questions:
1. How and in what ways do you share your bread and your blessings with others?
2. What miracles have you experienced in your life that strengthens your faith in God?
Next Week’s Daily Mass Reading Guide:
July 30, 2012 (Mon) Jer 13:1-11/ Dt 32:18-21/ Mt 13:31-35
July 31 2012 (Tue) Jer 14:17-22/ Ps 79:9,9,11,13/ Mt 13:36-43
Aug 01, 2012 (Wed) Jer 15:10,16-21/ Ps 59:2-4,10,11,17,18/ Mt 13:44-46
Aug 02, 2012 (Thu) Jer 18:1-6/ Ps 146:1-6/ Mt 13:47-53
Aug 03, 2012 (Fri) Jer 26:1-9/ Ps 69:8-10,14/ Mt 13:54-58
Aug 04, 2012 (Sat) Jer 26:11-16,24/ Ps 69:15,16,30,31,33,34/ Mt 14:1-12
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