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Community Word for June 2016

WORD:        The power of God’s spoken word deepens our compassion, enable us to forgive, and makes us steadfast in following Jesus.

ORDER:        “I tell you, arise!” (Lk 7:14b)

1. I will lift you up and empower you as My true followers to use My word to love, forgive and serve.

1. Read the Holy Scriptures daily; believe and live His word.

June 5         1Kg 17:17-24/Ps 30:2,4,5-6,11,12,13/Gal 1:11-19/Lk 7:11-17
June 12        2Sam 12:7-10,13/Ps 32:1-2,6,7,11/Gal 2:14,19-21/Lk 7:36-8:3
June 19        Zec 12:10-11;13:1/Ps 63:2,3-4,5-4,8-9/Gal 3:26-29/Lk 9:18-24
June 26        1kg 19:16,19-21/Ps 16:1-2,5,7-8,9-10,11/Gal 5:1,13-18/Lk 9:51-62

Week#1 (10th Sunday in Ordinary Time)   
Theme:    The spoken word of God empowers us to be compassionate and sensitive to those in need.
Promise:“You change my mourning into dancing.” (Ps 30:12)

Week#2 (11th Sunday in Ordinary Time)       
Theme:     The spoken word of God empowers us to share the fruits of forgiveness.
Promise:“The Lord on his part has forgiven your sin; you shall not die.” (2Sam 12:13)

Week#3 (12th Sunday in Ordinary Time)      
Theme:The spoken word of God empowers us to renounce the lure of worldly attachments.
Promise:“Whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.” (Lk 9:24b)

Week#4 (13th Sunday in Ordinary Time)    
Theme: The spoken word of God empowers us to be committed and steadfast in followingChrist.
Promise: “Live by the spirit and you will certainly not gratify the desire of the flesh.”
(Gal 5:16)

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