Community Word: Obedience to God’s call always bears much fruit in our lives.
Theme: We obey God’s call when we believe every word that comes from the mouth of God.
Promise: “No one who believes in him be put to shame.” (Rom 10:11)
Luke’s gospel narrative presents Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit, leaving the Jordan and going into the desert where he was tempted by the devil “for forty days”. During this time, he had eaten nothing, and at the end, was hungry. Luke records three attempts by the devil to lure Jesus to his side, each attempt rebuked by Jesus using God’s word in Scripture. And having exhausted and failed in his attempts at tempting Jesus, the devil left Him, to return at the appointed time.
The temptations occurred over a period of 40 days,suggesting that these may have been merely a sampling of many others not recorded in Luke’s gospel. Apparently, in our human experience, these three – comfort or pleasure, power and wealth, are the most difficult to resist and can totally consume us, especially if the Holy Spirit is absent in our life. These three source of temptations are the most overwhelming and most likely would to lead us astray. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, Jesus prevailed over them by invoking the word of God as the source of strength and insight to fight off evil.
The fact that Jesus was tempted reassures us that there is nothing intrinsically wrong in being tempted. What is wrong is to give in to temptation. Therefore, we should always be fundamentally oriented towards Christ; try to lead a disciplined life of good habits and solid virtues; and avoid possible sources of temptation (which can be different for each person). Should we find ourselves facing temptation, we should seek guidance from our elders and practice occupying our minds with godly and wholesome thoughts. Likewise we should become aware our weak points (sensuality, pride, laziness, etc.) and actively work to overcome them. If we do our share in taming our negative qualities, God will surely do the rest. Indeed, an effective deterrent and shield against temptation and the evil one is the word of God.
Today’s Gospel shows us that temptations are a fact of life. They are attempts to lead us astray, and are not confined or limited to individuals. They happen as well to corporate entities and to lay and religious institutions, as we have seen in the scandals that have occasionally rocked the Church. When Church life leaves us a bit down and weak, it is the Holy Spirit who will lead us into the desert and keep us strong there, as He did Jesus.
Lent started last Ash Wednesday, and with the symbolic ashes on the foreheads, we are reminded of our human mortality and to turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel.A good practice during this period of Lent is for every brother and sister in Community to devote time to reading the word of God every day. Other worthwhile activities might be to search the web for religious sites that can serve as guide to prayer and reflection. Pray your own favorite gospels. Read them to the children. We look to the word of God to build us up as God’s children and Community, and to give us the strength to serve God by serving others.
Lord, in this season of Lent, show us the Way, the Truth and Life of your Son. Help us to deepen our understanding of Your great love for us in the immensity of the sacrifice made by Jesus for our eternal salvation.
Reflection Questions:
1. How do I intend to keep away from, and overcome, the temptation/s that frequently come my way?
2. Share an example of how you used a scriptural verse to successfully overcome temptation and avoid committing sin? How effective was it?
This Week’s Daily Mass Reading Guide:
February 14, 2016 (Sun) Dt 26:4-10/Ps 91:1-2,10-11,12-13,14-15/Rom 10:8-13/Lk 4:1-13
February 15, 2016 (Mon) Lv 19:1-2,11-18/Ps 19:8,9,10,15/Mt 25:31-46
February 16, 2016 (Tue) Is 55:10-11/Ps 34:4-5,6-7,16-17,18-19/Mt 6:7-15
February 17, 2016 (Wed) Jon 3:1-10/Ps 51:3-4,12-13,18-19/Lk 11:29-32
February 18, 2016 (Thu) Est C:12,14-16,23-25/Ps 138:1-2,2-3,7-8/Mt 7:7-12
February 19, 2016 (Fri) Ez 18:21-28/Ps 130:1-2,3-4,5-7,7-8/Mt 5:20-26
February 20, 2016 (Sat) Dt 26:16-19/Ps 119:1-2,4-5,7-8/Mt 5:43-48
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