Community Word:
The sovereignty of Christ is the firm foundation of our faith.
Christ is sovereign in our life when we remain in God’s word and God’s word remains in us.
“By your perseverance you will secure your lives.” (Lk 21:19)
This Sunday’s gospel warns that we will hear of “wars and insurrections…powerful earthquakes, famines, and plague… awesome sights and mighty signs…from the sky,” (Luke 21:9-11). But as St. Teresa of Avila wrote, “Let nothing disturb you, let nothing frighten you. All things pass – God never changes. Patience achieves all it strives for. Whoever has God, lacks nothing – God alone suffices.”
Nothing that happens in our life – our experiences today, and those we face tomorrow – are beyond the influence and authority of God. Indeed, nothing comes to pass that He does not allow or decree. And no matter what we face in life, the good, the bad, the ugly, we can take comfort in knowing that God is sovereign. Our role is to have faith, and put our complete trust in His word that “He is able to work all things for our good,” (Rm 8:28. The challenge is to remain in God’s word and allow His word to remain in us. Jesus assures us – “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you,” (John 15: 7).
God made secure his loving relationship with us when He gave His Son, Jesus, to die on the cross for us, and with His promise to abide in us and provide everything we need as we seek Him and His righteousness. But we must not be passive recipients of God’s love, falsely believing that nothing can alienate us from Him. Yes, God loves us unconditionally, but we can reciprocate that love. Acknowledging His love, committing our way to him, and trusting His divine providence are among the responses we can, and should cultivate, along with active offering of self – all that we are, and all that we have, including our hurts, confusions, needs and aspirations.
Our role is to focus on seeking and getting to know our God, discerning His will for us, listening to His voice and obeying Him, especially when He stirs our hearts to use our spiritual gifts for the benefit of others and for His greater glory. There should be no fear, no doubts, no feelings of unworthiness, but we must be confident and courageous, knowing that God is sovereign and He sees the bigger picture. God is definitely in control, even when the world seems be out of control and there is widespread sense of despair and hopelessness.
Endurance is the essential strength given to those who put their trust in Jesus. It is more than human effort, but a gift from the Holy Spirit. It never yields to despair or hatred, but looks beyond present circumstances, challenges and difficulties, and sees the reward that comes to those who persevere under any trial or temptation.
Christ is our supreme model of obedience to the Father. He endured the cross for our sake, willingly shed His blood to win for us forgiveness and peace with God. It is our joy and privilege to patiently take up our own cross daily and follow Jesus. Thus, His word in the gospel shall continue to reverberate in our hearts to give us hope that if we endure to the end, we will gain our lives – “By your perseverance you will secure your lives,” (Luke 21:19). We will inherit abundant life and lasting happiness with God. We will see Him face to face and inherit all His promises.
Lord God, you called me to be faithful and obedient to your will, and to trust in Your word. There are things in this world I cannot comprehend and there are people I do not understand. There are many uncertainties and situations beyond my control. Fear and anxiety frequently overwhelm me. But I know You are trustworthy and You do not disappoint. I submit my will to you and put my trust in Your plans for my life. As I keep your words in my heart, I rest secure. Amen.
Reflection Questions:
1. Are you always faithful to God’s word and follow His will, or do you rely more on your own capability and desires?
2. In what ways do you allow the word of God to guide your daily life?
This Week’s Daily Mass Reading Guide:
November 13, 2016 (Sun) – Mal 3:19-20/Ps 98:5-6,7-8,9/2 Thes 3:7-12/Lk 21:5-19
November 14, 2016 (Mon) – Rv 1:1-14;2:1-5/Ps 1:1-4,6/Lk 18:35-43
November 15, 2016 (Tue) – Rv 3:1-6,14-22/Ps 15:2-5/Lk 19:1-10
November 16, 2016 (Wed) – Rv 4:2-11/Ps 150:1-6/Lk 19:11-28
November 17, 2016 (Thu) – Rv 5:1-10/Ps 149:1-6,9/Lk 19:41-44
November 11, 2016 (Fri) – Rv 10:8-11/Ps 119:14,24,72,103,11,131/Lk 19:45-48
November 18, 2016 (Sat) – Rv 11:4-12/Ps 144:1,2,9,10/Lk 20:27-40
“Ignorance of the Bible is ignorance of Christ. Read your Bible daily!”
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