Community Word:
The Holy Spirit empowers us to do the works of Jesus.
“Go … teach them to observe all that I have commanded you.” (Mt 28:19a, 20a)
Jesus’ ministry involved training his disciples to continue the work that he started…the building of the Kingdom of God. He took time to teach and explain the purpose of his ministry. He reassured his disciples so that they would remain courageous and strong in faith in God. Above all, he gave them peace and breathe the Holy Spirit upon them. This month’s Sunday readings bring us to reflect on our relationship with Jesus and how we are empowered to do his work as his present-day disciples.
The 4th Sunday of Easter is Good Shepherd Sunday and our theme is – We are empowered by the Holy Spirit when we listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd who takes control of our lives.
The challenge facing every follower of Jesus is how to truly listen to the Master’s voice in the midst of competing voices and sounds demanding our attention, conflicting loud noises battering our senses which challenge our faith. The voice of the Good Shepherd speaks to us through the words of God, calling us to a deeper relationship with Jesus and live an honest and more spiritually productive life. Jesus reminds us that “He is the gate”(Jn 10:9) to the path of life, a life that is truly meaningful and of real value, as we allow Him to take over our life, just as He promised: “I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.”(Jn 10:10).
For the 5th Sunday of Easter, our theme is – We are empowered by the Holy Spirit when we boldly do the works of Jesus.
Jesus encourages his disciples to lead a righteous and meaningful lives, full of hope. Living in union with Christ is the only way for us to live an abundant life, the very reason why he came to earth in the first place. Jesus calls us to continue his mission, and our response should be to obey whatever he instructs us to do, trusting that he will finish the work he started in and through us. Every time Jesus calls us to do anything, he assures us that he is with us always. He gives us courage and all virtues we would need to remain in him and follow his instructions. The Lord wants us to be devoted in our service. St. Paul exhorts us: “Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,” (Heb 12:1). Let us continue to do the work our Lord has called us to do with trust and confidence. The longer we persevere, the stronger our faith in him becomes. His promise this week is – “… whoever believes in him shall not be put to shame,” (1Pt 2:6b).
We are empowered by the Holy Spirit when we remain in Christ and live in Him,is the theme for the 6th Sunday of Easter.
Jesus is about to return to his Father in heaven. Once again, he assures his disciples not to be afraid or discouraged, that when he goes, they will not be alone and he will send them the Holy Spirit who will be their defender. Up to this day, Jesus tells us to keep his commandments if we truly love him. We are called to persist in faithfulness and love for Christ, to witness His oneness with the Father. This is the Christian life – an intimate union with the Father through the Son, by the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit reminds us of the sacrificing love of Christ and empowers us to respond to the pure and gratuitous love by loving one another as Christ has loved. For this, Jesus promises us – “…whoever loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and reveal to myself to him.” (Jn 14:21b)
On the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, our theme is – We are empowered by the Holy Spirit when we observed the commandments of Jesus and preach the gospel, and make disciple of all nations.
Ascension is not about the absence of Christ, but the new spiritual presence of Christ in all of us, wherever we are, through the Holy Spirit. Now the Risen Jesus is as close to us as the beating of our hearts. Go out into the whole world, Jesus said, teach people everywhere. There is still a great need to do this because so many still know very little about God and how they need hope, comfort and direction in their life. Jesus’ promise: “I am with you always until the end of the age”(Mt 28:20) enables us to carry out His mission. It is our source of strength in the mission to “make disciples of all nations”(Mt 28:19). He becomes ever more present in the life and the mission of the believers.
Most High God, grant us knowledge beyond words and hope that empowers faithful service. We reach out with longing hearts to know even more the power of your Holy Spirit whom you have promised. Fill us the joy of serving that we become powerful witnesses, offering forgiveness and healing to all your children. Grant us the joy that accompanies faithfulness to your word and will, through Jesus Christ. Amen.