Community Word:
True disciples of Christ bear much fruit.
We bear much fruit when we desire the kingdom of heaven as our treasured possession.
“All things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” (Rom 8:28)
Where is your heart? “For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be,” (Mat 6:21). Our life here on earth is simply a journey towards our final and eternal destination. The things that preoccupy us here will tell us what we value most in life. Therefore, whatever we do should bring us closer to our goal. Any activity that keeps us away from our ultimate quest is a detour in our lifelong journey. We would be better off doing things that lead us right to where we want to be – the kingdom of heaven.
Two parables, the hidden treasure and the pearl,speak to us in this Sunday’s gospel of our search of the kingdom of heaven. In the first case, a common laborer sells everything to purchase the field in which he found and buried his treasure. Here the treasure is a pure gift, which he just happens to find without effort. But upon finding it, he commits himself to safeguarding it. In the second parable, a rich merchant sells all he has in order to buy the pearl of great price that he had searched for. He remains persistent, not giving up until he finds the treasure.
The gospel concludes by comparing the kingdom of heaven to a net that is thrown into the sea and brings in a catch of every kind of fish. When the net was full, it was drawn ashore and sorted out, the good fish put into baskets, the bad thrown away. The fish is a metaphor for man. At the end of time, God will separate the good from the bad. The latter will be thrown into the fiery furnace, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth. This is a place we definitely don’t want to find ourselves in when judgment day comes. At that time, judgment will not be ours. There will be no second chances in seeking the ‘pearl of great price.’ We can no longer come back to earth and start all over again to undo whatever wrong we may have done. The time is now for us to be counted among the good fish when we appear before God for the final judgment. This is the essence of our theme for the week: We bear much fruit when we desire the kingdom of heaven as our treasured possession.
So what does it take to seek God’s Kingdom here on earth? The gospel challenges us to examine our goals. Having found this treasure, you would be wise to embrace it by rejecting your worldly priorities. Are you willing to let go of everything to focus your life on the ultimate goal, earnestly working to find this treasure? In the first reading Solomon prayed, not for riches or fame, but for the wisdom to judge what would be best for his people, and the Lord God rewarded him for his unselfish desire to be righteous. In like manner, we must aspire for wisdom and understanding in order for us to seek His kingdom above all else. It is not easy choosing between a life of worldly treasures, and an unselfish Christian life that strives to meet the needs of others. But because of our love and commitment to God, His grace enables us to seek His kingdom above all.
St. Paul give this assurance for us who work in faith to embrace the kingdom of God and this is our promise for the week:“… all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose,” (Rom 8:28). God knows from all eternity that we are made in His perfect image and likeness. We have been called to be glorified so we may inherit the Kingdom of God.
Lord, thank you for the grace of finding the way to the ‘pearl of great price’ through our community and prayer groups. May we find You in the families we evangelize, in the mission work we do in your Church in accord with our God-given gifts, and in the work we do for our fellowmen to alleviate their poverty. Amen.
Reflection Guides:
1. What are the thoughts and desires that usually fill your heart?
2. What activities occupy most of your time and you give priority to?
3. What would you do differently so that you will be able to dedicate more attention to your spiritual life?
This Week’s Daily Mass Reading Guide:
July 30, 2017 (Sun) – 1Kgs 3:5,7-12/Ps 119:57,72,76-77,127-128,129-130/Rom 8:28-30/Mt 13:44-52
July 31, 2017(Mon) – Ex 32:15-24,30-34/Ps 106:19-23/Mt 13:31-35
August 1, 2017(Tues) – Ex 33:7-11;34:5-9,28/Ps 103:6-13/Mt 13:36-43
August 2, 2017(Wed) – Ex 34:29-35/Ps 99:5-7,9/Mt 13:44-46
August 3, 2017 (Thur) – Ex 40:16-21,34-38/Ps 84:3-6,8,11/Mt 13:47-53
August 4, 2017 (Fri) – Lv 23:1,4-11,15,16,27,34-37/Ps 81:3-6,10,11/Mt 13:54-58
August 5, 2017(Sat) – Lv 25:1,8-17/Ps 67:2,3,5,7,8/Mt 14:1-12
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