Order: “Do not be afraid; just have faith.”(Mk 5:36b)
The community word for the month is: Faith anchored on Jesus Christ is unshakeable. This central message draws our attention to contemplate and assess the strength and steadfastness of our faith. It is our faith in God that moves His hands to do wondrous deeds. We should never take our faith for granted, rather, we must take advantage of the time given to us each day to grow spiritually. Deepening faith opens the door to the stream of blessings God wants to impart to His people. But closed hearts limit the possibilities of the magnanimous heart of God, our God who is involved in the most intimate events of our life. We are indeed blessed that despite our unworthiness God grants us the gift of faith and we must accept this gift wholeheartedly above anything in this world. We are to defend it and make sure it is nurtured through study of God’s word and prayer. Most importantly, God expects us to share our faith with others, and as we do, our faith becomes even stronger.
What are some effects of unshakeable faith?
On the 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time, our theme tells us: Unshakeable faith brings life through the spoken word of Jesus.The healing power of Jesus flows into the lives of people through a living dialogue of faith between God and His people. His spoken word alone has the power to lead us to salvation and eternal life. God is always willing to heal our frail bodies, our weak soul and even this sick world. We just need to place our trust in His saving power. Only Jesus has the power to bestow fullness of life and, as Christians, we affirm this with our minds and hearts. We should put our trust and hope in the Lord and allow Him to heal every aspect of our life. As we do, we continue to hold on to His promise: “…your faith has saved you. Go in peace and be cured of your affliction,” (Mk 5:34).
Unshakable faith gives us wisdom to do mighty deeds, is the theme for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time. “He was amazed at their lack of faith,” (Mk 6:6). Lack of faith blocks God’s hand to do miracles. Sometimes we fail in our mission to encourage one another and nurture them; and then we feel exasperated. But the grace of God assures us that some things can still be done. Jesus gives us the strength and the example to start the change ourselves. He did goHis way to build the kingdom of God, a God who cares for His people and seeks to bring healing, freedom and happiness. We are followers of Christ by being committed to His task of challenging people to return to God and accept the Good News of forgiveness, justice, equality, love and peace. We need to pray for others and with others that love may prevail. And our faith in Christ will equip us to become better persons, and enable us to build a caring and united community. He gives us this promise: “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness,” (2Cor 12:9a).
Unshakeable faith drives us to go to mission fully dependent on God’s provision, is our theme for the 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Mission is where Jesus wants us to spread the fragrance of His love. Be it a mission to evangelize His Gospel, mission to give charity to the poor and marginalized, or simply a mission to care for our own family members. Jesus tells us not to worry about anything, but in responding to God’s call, to be totally dependent on God’s provision and wisdom. As we do, we will find that our mission is not complicated because Jesus is always on the side of those who are rejected, ostracized and pushed to the periphery. The Lord will provide the bare essentials to succeed in your work as His missionary. While others may be oppression to what you do, continue to love, share and shine. Do not allow other’s lack of understanding and compassion kill your joy. Help the world become more fervent in the Lord’s service where people will be able to do God’s work among their fellow men in love and unity. Relying on divine providence, God promises us this: “The Lord himself will give his benefits, our land shall yield its increase,” (Ps 85:13).
On the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time, our theme is – Unshakeable faith enables us to lead others to a deeper understanding of Christ’s teaching. Jesus understood the importance of rest and solitude during the course of doing mission. It recharges our souls and allows God to renew His spirit in us during those quiet moments of respite. It is a time to gather up energy, to rebuild one’s strength and refresh ones mind for the next challenging phase of the mission. We need a spiritual break, time of being alone with Christ. Prayer time enabled Jesus to continue with His work to let the people know more about God’s kingdom by His teachings. With greater faith in His words, our open hearts will receive a deeper understanding and knowledge of God, empowerment to be transformed in the likeness of Christ, and truth that liberates us from deception and ignorance. Thus, this is what the Lord promises us: “I will appoint shepherds for them … so that they need no longer fear…,” (Jer 23:4). Let us imitate Jesus and be his under-shepherds to guide and lead others to Him.
Finally, for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time, our theme is:Unshakeable faith allows us to share our love and compassion with others. God’s word this Sunday speaks emphatically about compassion, selflessness and constructive paths to peace. Jesus performs the miracle of the multiplication of bread to underscore the importance compassion and to allow others to share the few resources they have with others. As we begin to give our time, talent and treasure, God will join us and share in the suffering and blessing of community. Indeed, no one is so poor as to have nothing to share and God does wonders with what little we have when we give to others out of concern and love for them. If all of us do our share, even in our own little ways, then we are multiplying the bread of kindness in this uncaring world. As the Lord has promised: “They shall eat and there shall be some left over,” (2Kgs 4:43b).
Lord Jesus, with your encouraging words, may we lend a helping hand to your people. We pray that we may be more like You to speak to them gently and assure them that faith is what we need to bring about love, peace and unity. Amen.