November 4- Dt 6:2-6/Ps 18:2-4, 47, 51/Hb 7:23-28/Mk 12:28-34
November 11- 1Kgs 17:10-16/Ps 144:7-10/Hb 9:24-28/Mk 12:38-44
November 18-Dn 12:1-3/Ps 16:5, 8-11/Hb 10:11-14, 18/Mk 13:24-32
November 25- Dn 7:13-14/Ps 93:1, 1-2, 5/Rv 1:5-8/Jn 18:33-37
Jesus the King reigns in the hearts of those who are faithful to Him.
‘’Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.”(Mk 12:30-31)
1.Those who love Me obey My commandments and I will bless them abundantly.
2.Show your faithfulness to Me by loving those who are difficult to love.
1.Make a daily examination of conscience on how faithful you are in honoring God’s commandments.
2.Show your love of neighbor by doing spiritual and corporal works of mercy.
Week#1(31stSunday in Ordinary Time)
Theme: Those who are faithful to Jesus the King honor and keep God’s commandments.
Promise:“Keep … all His commandments … that you may grow and prosper the more.”(Dt 6:2b-3a)
Week#2(32ndSunday in Ordinary Time)
Theme: Those who are faithful to Jesus the King generously share their blessings.
Promise: “The jar of flour shall not go empty, nor the jug of oil run dry.”(1Kgs 17:14b)
Week#3(33rdSunday in Ordinary Time)
Theme:Those who are faithful to Jesus the King stay vigilant for His coming.
Promise: “You will show me the path to life, fullness of joys in your presence, the delights at your right hand forever.” (Ps 16:11)
Week#4(Solemnity of Christ the King)
Theme:Those who are faithful to Jesus the King listen to Him and testify to the Truth.
Promise:“Behold He is coming amidst the clouds, and every eye will see Him.” (Rev 1:7a)