Order: “Seek what is above… not of what is on earth.”(Col 3:1-2)
In life, there seems to be no end in searching for things that will satisfy us completely. We work to acquire the best and the finest that we can think of to fill our earthly desires. Yet, even when we think we have everything and after experiencing some moments of happiness, we still feel we want more and more, a never ending cycle of desiring and getting, but wanting for much more. Our hunger for more continues to imprison us in discontent and endless longing.
But Jesus gives us a spiritual solution when He tells us, “… seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you,” (Mt 6:33). God’s presence in our life satisfies all our desires. We re-echo this in our Community Word for this month – To be with God is the greatest treasure of all. He is the Treasure of treasures, the One from whom all blessings flow here on earth and in eternity.
Our life becomes more pleasurable, satisfying, purposeful and filled with everything we hope to possess when we allow Jesus to accompany us. Our goal is to be with Him always as we journey towards Heaven, a life with Him for all eternity. Today, we are enjoined to follow the scriptural order for this month – “Seek what is above… not of what is on earth,” (Col 3:1-2). We should be wise enough to give up our passion for temporal things and embrace those that matter eternally.
A few deeds may be done so that we can start storing treasures in heaven:
For the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time, our theme reminds us: We store heavenly treasure when we guard against idolatry and worldly attachments. The world is one source of temptation that greatly influences our way of thinking and living. It strongly promotes idolatry by excessive devotion to something or someone that replaces our devotion to God. It entices us to value ungodly desires and to indulge in what displeases Him. Our hearts can be filled with pride, selfishness, gluttony, love for possessions and eventually, rebellion against God. The best guard against worldliness is to allow our minds to be renewed by God’s word and to live a transformed life pleasing to our Lord. When we do, we can look forward to this promise: “When Christ your life appears, then you too will appear with him in glory,” (Col 3:4). Jesus awaits us to join Him in His glory.
The theme for the 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time – We store heavenly treasure when we remain vigilant and faithful servants,cautions us to maintain a close watch against the deception of the cunning enemy. The devil makes us believe that we have the right to freely squander the treasures which we consider our own – possessions and skills we have acquired. But the truth is that the Good Master places these material and spiritual gifts under our stewardship to be used to serve His people and glorify Him. The promise this week – “Blessed are those whom the master finds vigilant in his arrival,” (Lk 12:37) should inspire us to consistently follow themoral and obedient path, and to be able to readily give an account when Jesus comes back at the end of times.
We store heavenly treasure when we rid ourselves of sin and fix our eyes on Jesus, is the theme for the 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time. When we are in sin, our hearts and minds are blinded from seeing the Truth. If we are only focused on our own cares, we begin to follow the unrighteous path away from our Lord. Emptying ourselves from self-righteousness allows us to be filled with the Holy Spirit who renews our hearts and removes the blindness from our spiritual eyes, to see Jesus. We should never take our eyes from Jesus who brings our faith to completion as we persevere until the end. Like Jesus who endured all sufferings to save us from sin and death, we should be motivated to endure human trials and obstacles set before us in following Christ. Whenever we are in need of fortitude, we can call upon the Lord because He assures us: “The Lord heard my cry. He drew me out of the pit of destruction; he made firm my steps,” (Ps 40:3). As our eyes are fixed on Jesus, He will purify us and not allow us to be destroyed by sin.
Lastly, the theme for the 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time is – We store heavenly treasure when we strive to endure our trials with discipline. Christian believers may grow weary and faint under trials and afflictions cause by the remnants of corruption. Though we find persecution as instrument to inflict suffering, this may also be a way to prune and purify us. It is said that the road to heaven is narrow while the path to perdition is wide. We must bear the pains in the name of Jesus and persevere in our faith. Thus, God corrects us like a good father who disciplines his children, and we must submit to it with patience that we will grow in righteousness, away from evil. Therefore, let us consider all afflictions brought upon us by the malice of men as corrections, allowed by our wise and gracious Father for our spiritual good. The Lord gives us this promise: “…all discipline…brings the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who are trained by it,” (Hb 12:11).
Loving Father, to know, love and serve You are far above anything else in this world. Grant me the grace to turn away from deceitful idols and useless worldly attachments which do not bring fulfilment, but downfall. Help me find fullness of joy in Your presence, O Lord. Empty my hands from useless endeavours so that I may have more of You in my life. Allow me to become a faithful servant with Your heart of compassion. And grant me a greater willingness to receive Your holy discipline that I may persevere and ran the race of faith to the very end, where I will find my place among the heavenly treasures in Your very presence for all eternity. Amen.