Theme: We live in solidarity in our desire to be holy when we partake in the Holy Eucharist with a pure heart.
Promise: “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.” (Jn 6:56)
In our desire to be holy, we partake the Holy Eucharist with a pure heart.Jesus himself promised us that he is the living bread from God in the Holy Eucharist and as we receive Him, we are assured of God’s unanimity with us and we will live forever. The food we take daily for our body’s nourishment is so essential.Without enough food we become weak and loose interest in anything we do. We are prone to sickness and disease we become indifferent in anything cultural and spiritual. In other words without our daily food intake we cannot enjoy health ,work, learning and freedom.
It is no different in our life inthe Spirit. Without the Eucharist, we become weak spiritually and incapable of reaching out in our mission to others. We are an easy prey to sins of temptations and worst depressions. As a disciples of Christ, without the Holy Eucharist we quickly lose interest in the word of God and our prayer life. The absence of the bread of life, materialism of the world will dominate our life. In other words the Holy Eucharist is the fuel to become fully alive in our life in the Spirit.
When we feed ourselves with the Holy Eucharist, our spirit in effect shows, that we no longer live by worldly bread but from every word that comes from the mouth of God. And the Word of Jesus according to St John says, the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us, The Holy Eucharist is the very flesh of Jesus, as we receive Him we become His dwelling place (temple of the Holy Spirit) and truly become a people of faith who live on the real food that is Jesus Himself and find ways to fulfill each others’ needs . In the letter of St Paul to Galatians says, It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me, Having a pure heart when we receive the Holy Eucharist is grace from God.
The Pandemic of Covid 19 did stop completely the Holy Eucharist to feed those who desires and long for it. Today Eucharistic celebration continues to a more intense manner via virtual. As more families are confine in their homes it strengthen the family bonding and renewal of relationships.In their desire to receive the body and blood , it also offered an opportunity to be in solidarity with God himself. The Pandemic created a new normal.Big and small companies has to close operation. But the church continued its mission to minister to God’s people and offers the Holy Eucharist spiritually in virtual celebrations.
The miracle of the feeding of the crowd in then Gospel of Luke happened because Jesus desired it. Every time we make ourselves available for Eucharistic celebration and partake at Holy Communion His body and blood, Jesus wishes it for us as well, because He wants us always to be in unity with the Father in Heaven.
When we receive the Holy Eucharist we are transform to the image and likeness that God created us to be. We become dependent on the Eucharist and God’s Words daily for our spiritual nourishment and transformation. If we do not experience the transforming power of the Eucharist it is probably not on account of an inferior Eucharist but on account of our rotten faith. Let us approach the Eucharist with a more lively faith in the real presence of Jesus and we shall experience therein God’s saving power and transforming love.As we celebrate the solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ let us remember God the Father in Heaven, who feeds us, who gives us life, who holds us, listens to us, journey’s with us, who forgives us and loves us without conditions.As what the week’s promise says in the Gospel of John 6:56 “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him.”
Most Holy and Almighty God, we thank You and praise You for giving us the most precious Body and Blood of Your only Son, Jesus Christ. Through the institution of the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist we are able to nourish our bodies and souls. We thank You for having made Yourself our food and for uniting us with You in this beautiful Sacrament. We pledge to offer You our undivided love and service to our sisters and brothers, as it is Your Holy will. We pray this in the name of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit Amen.
Reflection questions:
1. God nourish us spiritually with the Body and Blood of Christ, Let us take a moment to reflect on how we have nourished others with our words and actions. Has it been life giving?
2. When we partake the Holy Eucharist in the mass do we experience Christ transforming love and solidarity with God the Father?
This Week’s Daily Mass Reading Guide:
June 14, 2020 (Sun) – Dt 8:2,3,14-16/Ps 147:12-15,19-20/1Cor 10:16-17/Jn 6:51-58
June 15, 2020 (Mon) – 1Kgs 21:1-16/Ps 5:2-7/Mt 5:38-42
June 16, 2020 (Tues)– 1Kgs 21:17-29/Ps 51:3-6,11,16/Mt 5:43-48
June 17, 2020 (Wed) – 2Kgs 2:1,6-14/Ps 31:20,21,24/Mt 6:1-6,16-18
June 18, 2020 (Thurs)– Sir 48:1-14/Ps 97:1-7/Mt 6:7-15
June 19, 2020 (Fri) – Dt 7:6-11/Ps 103:1-7,8,10/1Jn 4:7-16/Mt 11:25-30
June 20, 2020 (Sat) – Is 61:9-11/Ps 71:8-9,14-15,16-17,22/Lk 2:41-51