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WSC Reflection for October 10, 2021

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle B, Year I)
Community Word: The Kingdom of God is for those who obey His commandment of love.
Theme: We obey God’s commandment of love when we deny ourselves of worldly attachments.
Promise: “…and you will have treasure in heaven…” (Mk 10:21c)

The story about the rich man in Mark’s gospel challenges us to look deeper into ourselves and reflect on what we consider most important in our life. This man must have expected a simple affirmation when he asked Jesus, “…what must I do to inherit eternal life?” (Mk 10:17), knowing that he had been observing the commandments from his youth. But when Jesus lovingly told him he needs to detach himself from his riches and follow Jesus, “he went away sad, for he had many possessions,” (Mk 10:22). Jesus was actually asking him not to be attached to his earthly possessions and instead fill his heart with love for God and neighbor, and follow Him until the end of his earthly pilgrimage.
Jesus then laments, “How hard it is for those who have wealth to enter the Kingdom of God,” (MK 10:23b). Material riches are not evil and to be rich is not a sin. However, Jesus wants to impart the message that wealth can easily make us self-sufficient. It can take us away from our dependency and trust in God, most especially if one does not share his affluence with the poor and needy. One can be dominated by the craving of possessions, comfortable life, power, and influence in society. Pope Francis speaking about riches, said: “Wealth ensures nothing. Indeed, once we think we are rich, we can become so self-satisfied that we leave no room for God’s word, for the love of our brothers and sisters, or for the enjoyment of the most important things in life,” (Gaudete Et Exsultate, 2018, par 68).
We are removed from our true relationship with God when we let wealth dominate our attitude, our priorities and our relationship with other people. Attachment to possessions may even hinder us from opening our heart to an unexpected calling from God. Instead we should accept God’s invitation to love Him and follow Jesus. Then we will learn that we do not need to cling on to our possessions and positions for security because God will provide all things we really need in life. Let us avoid the pitfall of believing that flourishing careers and busyness excuse us in serving others, doing good work, or even making time for family, civic, and spiritual life. Wealth and privileges can make us arrogant and insensitive to people around us. Even if we hold a position of authority, we should regard such as belonging to God for He is the Author of everything. We are simply God’s stewards, representing Him but not assuming the status that belongs to Him alone.
Also, we may not be aware that there are many good things in life that we can become attached to. Be prepared to let go of these earthly attachments: friendship, influence, jobs, entertainment, life style, that could stand in the way of your loving God first. Be resolute to be detached from everything, except to God and His holy Will. Understandably, this “letting go” would require much determination in our life and much self-denying on things we love doing. We must not be distracted by things on earth, but be focus on heavenly things and the promised eternal reward.
Today’s gospel invites us to detach ourselves from our comfort zones, to lead true and authentic Christian lives. If we are truly in search of eternal life, we have to attach ourselves to God and His plan for us. Giving more importance to our earthly treasures – wealth, fame, and power against God’s ways and plans will make us unfit to enter the Kingdom of God. We are called to follow His path if we want to attain eternal life, a life of real freedom and endless bliss. Consider the Lord as our greatest treasure, the greatest joy we can possess. Let us ask God to bless us so that we can be generous in our love for Him and each other. And as we grow in love, we will come to realize God’s promise: “…and you will have treasure in heaven…” (Mk 10:21c).

Lord Jesus Christ, strengthen our faith and awaken the spirit of generosity and love within us, that we may love our brethren in need and each other with sincere and true love. Lord, help us to let go of everything that is not of You. Help us to be detached even from family in a holy way so that we are free to love them with Your Heart. May You, our Lord, be our only purpose and love, and in this love may we discover how to love everyone with Your Heart. May you always be our treasure and delight and may nothing else keep us from giving You our all in all. Amen

Reflection Guide Questions:

  1. What are you most attached to in your life? If God were to ask you to give up that attachment or priority, will you?
  2. Are you prepared to cultivate a closer relationship with the Lord by simplifying your life and getting rid of “excess” earthly baggage?

This Week’s Daily Mass Reading Guide:
October 10, 2021 (Sun) – Wis 7:7-11/Ps 90:12-13, 14-15, 16-17/Heb 4:12-13/Mk 10:17-30
October 11, 2021 (Mon) – Rom 1:1-7/Ps 98:1, 2-3, 3-4/Lk 11:29-32
October 12, 2021 (Tue) – Rom 1:16-25/Ps 19:2-3, 4-5/Lk 11:37-41
October 13, 2021 (Wed) – Rom 2:1-11/Ps 62:2-3, 6-7, 9/Lk 11:42-46
October 14, 2021 (Thurs) – Rom 3:21-30/Ps 130:1-2, 3-4, 5-6/Lk 11:47-54
October 15, 2021 (Fri) – Rom 4:1-8/Ps 32:1-2, 5, 11/Lk 12:1-7
October 16, 2021 (Sat) – Rom 4:13, 16-18/Ps 105:6-7, 8-9, 42-43/Lk 12:8-12

“Ignorance of the Bible is ignorance of Christ. Read your Bible daily!”


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