Community Word: Those who diligently search Jesus will find joy in the Light of God.
Theme: We find joy in the Light of God when we are obedient to pastoral authority.
Promise: “The God of our Lord Jesus Christ may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation resulting in knowledge of him.” (Eph 1:17)
The Feast of the Sto. Niño is a celebration for those with the heart of a child, a feast to rediscover and preserve the child in each of our hearts. A children of God, we sustain the goodness we have received, demonstrating it in the life we live and our commitment and obedience to God. Being born to be joyful in life, God’s joy in us endures not from having everything we want, but from knowing and doing what our Heavenly Father wants for us. Fulfillment is not found in accumulating things.
There are many unhappy people in the world because they focus on what they lack and are blind to what God is actually offering them. Guided by the community word for this month – Those who diligently search for Jesus will find joy in the light of God, we can move on in life even if we do not get everything we want. As long as we are in communion with God in our journey of faith, we will find joy in the light of God.
We are created with the heart of a child – simple, loving, humble, trusting, obedient. Just like any child, Jesus went through the various stages of growing up and experiences of children. Like him, we can continue to nurture our childlike qualities, reminding ourselves of what Jesus said: “whoever humbles himself like this child is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” It takes childlike qualities to be part of the Kingdom of our heavenly Father. Being childlike means to give all the love, care, attention and respect to one another. His is not an invitation to childishness, but a challenge to have the humble heart in trusting God. Instead of relying on human knowledge and intelligence, we should be as little children relying on God alone, just as little children rely on their parents. While remaining childlike in our attitude and character, we should mature in our faith and our determination to follow God’s will.
Great is a man who can humble himself as Jesus did in being born as a human being, humbling himself to be born helpless and weak, like a child. In this image of the Child Jesus, we come to understand and accept ourselves for who we really are, children of God. A person’s greatness is not measured by his lording it over others, nor in power, but in being little as the Lord and caring for our brothers and sisters, especially in this community God has given us. We can only help change the hearts of others if we ourselves embrace the way of the Divine Child Jesus. We cannot soften hearts by overpowering them.A childlike grown up will avoid the recognition and will not think in terms of pride and self-importance. A childlike adult requires openness and trust in God, accepting our dependency upon God and working towards total obedience to God and his duly constituted authority, just as our theme this week states: We find joy in the light of God when we are obedient to pastoral authority.
Humility is the key to obedience, and obedience is the key to love. As a child, Jesus practiced these virtues in His relationship with His earthly parents and more so with His heavenly Father. Thus, He is our Savior, truly victorious over sin and death for our salvation. Though we are celebrating the Feast of the Sto. Niño, we are also celebrating Christ as our Redeemer. Jesus became man as a helpless child, but grew and lived to fulfill His mission to restore our inheritance as worthy children of God. All these came to pass because He was obedient to the Will of His Father.
Our Loving God, cultivate the heart of a child in us. As your children, may we journey together in this community, in unity and obedience to pastoral authority, that we may be what your promise this week says: “The God of our Lord Jesus Christ may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation resulting in knowledge of him,” (Eph 1:17). We eagerly anticipate the fullness of your Kingdom and to be devoted to reach our real home in heaven where we will rejoice in your unending goodness and joy. All for your Name sake. Amen.
Reflection Question:
1. In what ways can I show my obedience to pastoral authority andlisten to what God is telling me to follow?
2. How do others see Jesus in me as Sto. Niño in the way I relate to others?
This Week’s Daily Mass Reading Guide:
January 17, 2016 (Sun) Is 9:1-6/ Ps 97:1,2-3,3-4,5-6-6/ Eph 1:3-6,15-18/ Lk2:41-52
January 18, 2016 (Mon) 1Sm 15:16-23/Ps 50:8-9,16-17,21,23/Mk 2:18-22
January 19, 2016 (Tue) 1Sm 16:1-13/Ps 89:20,21-22,27-28/Mk 2:23-28
January 20, 2016 (Wed) 1Sm 17:32-33,37-40-51/Ps 144:1,2,9-10/Mk 3:1-6
January 21, 2016 (Thu) 1Sm 18:6-9;19;1-7/Ps 56:2-3,9-10,10-11,12-13/Mk 3:7-12
January 22, 2016 (Fri) 1Sm 24:3-21/Ps 57:2,3-4,6,11/Mk 3:13-19
January 23, 2016 (Sat) 2Sm 1:1-4,11-12,19,23-37/Ps 80:2-3,5-7/Mk 3:20-21
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