Order: “Come, share your Master’s joy.” (Mt 25:23c)
The call to servanthood as followers of Jesus Christ is by God’s grace alone. He makes and molds His servants by His will and power, and not according to one’s position in life, education, experience, personality or natural ability. All that is needed is that one’s heart is open, humble and obedient. St. Paul refers himself as a servant of the gospel by God’s grace, but he also says that God’s power works in him to serve. Same is also true of every faithful servant of the gospel. They humbly acknowledge that God is the source of all grace and blessing, and as affirmed by this month’s community word: God exalts His faithful servants. As we wind up the liturgical year (Cycle A, Year II), the Lord shows as that our faithfulness as a Christian follower, through our attitude, words and deeds, will never go unrewarded.
The theme for the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time is – God exalts those who serve others with humility. The gospel teaches us that the greatest among servants are those who live in service to others. In order to serve God, it is essential to serve others with meekness and humility. Serving with humility is not that easy; we may be tempted by subtle ways to become prideful and divert the focus of service back to ourselves. Perfect humility requires us to continuously direct our attention to God. Our Lord Jesus is the living example of love and service with humility and meekness. He is our Servant King telling us that to be great is to be the servant of all, for those who makes himself great will be humbled. He then promises a great reward to this kind of service:
“…whoever humbles himself will be exalted,” (Mt 23:12b).
God exalts those who remain vigilant in serving Him – is the theme for the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time. What is needed of us is a continuing inner disposition of readiness – to keep the flame of love for God alive in our hearts, to be spiritually wise, to take responsibility for our own spiritual growth, and to be ready at all times to welcome and meet the Lord. To be spiritual ready is to remain steadfast in faith, to persevere in hope amidst tribulation, and to sustain an expectant heart for an endearing relationship with God through our neighbors. God never tires in reminding us as He speaks to us, “Be watchful and ready, you know not when the Son of Man is coming,” and He promises us, “Whoever watches … at dawn shall not be disappointed,” (Wis 6:14).
The theme for the 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time is – God exalts those who use His gifts and blessings wisely. How do we help others and build them up by the talents, treasures and time, all material and spiritual gifts, and teaching of the word that God gave us? Our Lord, as He knows us individually and personally, entrusts us with gifts according to our ability, what is right and best for us. He knows our optimal capability and potential. Great responsibilities will be given if we are faithful in small matters, then He calls us to share His joy (Mt 23). He alerts us to be not only hearers but doers of His word. He then gives us this promise: “…everyone who has more will be given and he will grow rich,” (Mt 25:29a).
God exalts those who care for and minister to the poor and the needy – is the theme for the Solemnity of Christ the King. Jesus teaches us that the greatest among many things that man can do is to love – to love God wholly and totally and to love one’s neighbor. God is love and that is why we are able to love too. From God’s love, mercy and compassion follow. To love is to serve especially those who are poor and needy. And as we honor God’s commandments He in turn honors us. The acts of mercy and compassion toward our neighbors when they are hungry and thirsty, when we welcome them, clothe, care and comfort them and visit them in prison, are ways of participating in God’s life and service in His mission. The last, the least and the lost are close to God’s heart and to them our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the universe, vows: “The lost I will seek out, the strayed I will bring back, the injured I will bind up, and the sick I will heal,” (Ez 34:16a). By His love, God created us and He calls us to serve our fellowmen. And as Christians and community members, we are exhorted to serve Him through others and bear much fruit, all in the name of love.
O God of love, we pray that You continue to inspire and equip us and gift us with Your sublime love that we may readily respond to Your call to love and serve You through our neighbor. Move us to actively participate in Your mission and work in accordance with Your will and way. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.