Order: “Be watchful! Be alert!”(Mk 13:33a)
The Catechism of the Catholic Church stresses the meaning of Advent insaying, “When the Church celebrates the liturgy of Advent each year, she makes present the ancient expectancy of the Messiah, for, by sharing in the long preparation for the Savior’s first coming, the faithful renew their ardent desire for His Second Coming,” (CCC 524). The season of Advent gives us a glimpse of the salvation history of the past and our present redemption being accomplished. It reminds us of our longing for the coming of Christ into our hearts as the Holy Spirit draws us into a deepening relationship with Him and expecting for Second Coming of Jesus when He will return as promised to restore all things to Himself. It connects us spiritually with God’s whole plan of redemption through Jesus Christ.
Since Advent looks forward to Christmas, it prepares us to properly understand the Incarnation of the Son of God.It presents us our God, a Father who loves us, cares for us and wants to involve Himself in our everyday life. We celebrate Christmas because God sent us His only begotten Son, who became man in all things, except sin, to save us and made known that He is truly Emmanuel – “God with us.” For the month of December, our community word states: We celebrate God’s presence in us at all times.
In the midst of secular excesses leading to Christmas, Advent provides a welcome solace and an opportunity to continually re-orient ourselves to God’s presence and will. As what St. Vincent Ferrer’s guiding principle says, “Whatever you do, think not of yourself, but of God.”A life totally focused on God is the best way to be watchful and ready for the Lord’s coming. This is our community order for the month… “Be watchful! Be alert!” (Mk 13:33a).
The theme for the 1st Sunday of Advent is:God’s presence keeps us watchful and fully committed to Christ.Nowadays, we live in a world of “fast and instant” foods and of easy downloads for quick information. But not with our faith journey where temptations of convenience and comfort can lead us away from our destination of our eternal union with God. We have to persevere in faith and nurture our hope in the Second Coming of Christ. And when we encounter challenges and struggles along the way, we must put our trust in His promise that “He will keep you firm to the end, irreproachable on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ,” (1Cor 1:8). Otherwise, we will be lost…for eternity!
On the 2nd Sunday of Advent, the theme is: God’s presence keeps us yielded to the power of the Holy Spirit. God wants our innermost being be filled with the light of the Holy Spirit so that we may lead a more rewarding and abundant life. He desires to make us effective agents of change, His true instruments in transforming this world into His kingdom on earth.As we yield ourselves to Him, we become more receptive to His message, with hearts more trusting to His divine will. We will be like the ‘John the Baptist’ in our time fulfilling God’s promise: “I am sending my messenger ahead of you; he will prepare your way,” (Mk 1:20), spreading His word and His love to others who are the lost among us.
Yes, all of us Christians are expected to be precursors like John, announcing not only the first coming of the Infant Savior in the manger, but also proclaiming the second coming of the Glorious Judge of both the living and the dead. It is our duty to lead others to repentance and conversionwhich is the best way to prepare for the Lord’s Second Coming. The theme of the 3rd Sunday of Advent – God’s presence keeps us bold enough to lead others to Christ,reminds us of our mission to proclaim this truth with strength and courage amidst opposition and persecution. Together with this task is an assurance from the Lord through this promise:”The one who calls you is faithful, and he will also accomplish it,” (1Thes 5:24).
God wants us to do something for Him and with Him. This is the message of the theme for the 4th Sunday of Advent, God’s presence keeps us ready and willing to respond to His call.It is the act of acknowledging God’s existence that will help us to live a life of openness to be part of His plan. Let us allow the Holy Spirit to empower usand bestow on us a higher understanding of what He wants from us. Though there will be things which are hard to comprehend and works that may seem too tough and beyond our capabilities, we just have to trust in God’s promise that “The Holy Spirit will come upon you…nothing will be impossible for God,” (Lk 1:35a, 37).
On the 5th Sunday of December, we celebratethe Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. We look to Joseph as a shining example of a provider and family protector, to Mary as a model of love, modesty and perfect faith, and to Jesus, our divine example of respect and obedience to His foster parents here on earth. This leads us to the theme – God’s presence keeps us respectful and obedient to our fathers and mothers.As children of our Father in heaven, we ought to admire, follow and imitate our Emmanuel’s childhood in Nazareth as written in the gospel of Luke, “And He went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them,” (Lk 2:51). Then we realize the significance of this week’s promise, “Whoever reveres his father will live a long life; he who obeys his father brings comfort to his mother,” (Sir 3:6) in our relationship with our grandparents, parents, children and grandchildren. A generation of love, respect and obedience will beget another generation of faithfulness, goodness and abundance.
Father God, prepare my heart to receive the gift of Your Son, Jesus, my Emmanuel. During this season of Advent, purify my heart and lead me to change my ways as I ask forgiveness for all my wrongdoings. Straighten my path and remove the distractions that prevent me from seeing You face to face, as I realize that I need You in my life more than any material comfort and personal desires. As we celebrate Christmas, remind me of Your great love that I may be grateful by sharing Your love, joy and peace to others. Amen.