ORDER “Listen to my voice!”(Jn 18:37)
1. I will reveal myself to my children through you.
1. Go and serve our less fortunate brothers and sisters by actively participating in mission work.
2. Submit to the God’s will and offer Him a daily life of prayer.
November 1 Rv 7:2-4,9-14/Ps 24:1-2,3-4,5-6/1 Jn 3:1-3/Mt 5:1-12
November 8 1 Kgs 17:10-16/Ps 146:7,8-9,9-10/Heb 9:24-28/Mk 12:38-44
November 15 Dn 12:1-3/Ps 16:5,8,9-10,11/Heb 10:11-14,18/Mk 13:247-32
November 22 Dn 7:13-14/Ps 93:1,1-2,5/Rv 1:5-8/Jn 18:33-37
Week#1 (Solemnity of All Saints)
Theme: We hunger & thirst for His righteousness when we live out the Beatitudes.
Promise: “Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven.” (Mt 5:12)
Week#2 (32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Theme: We hunger & thirst for His righteousness when we offer God all that we are.
Promise: “The Lord keeps faith forever, secures justice for the oppressed, give food to the hungry.” (Ps 146:7a)
Week#3 (33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time)
Theme: We hunger & thirst for His righteousness when we are vigilant in serving God.
Promise: “You will show me the path to life, fullness of joys in your presence.”(Ps 16:11)
Week#4 (Solemnity of Christ the King)
Theme: We hunger & thirst for His righteousness when we testify to the truth.
Promise: “Behold, he is coming amid the cloud, and every eye will see Him.” (Rv 1:7)
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