Community Word: The Lord empowers the modern day disciples to spread His word.
Theme: As modern day disciples, we spread His word when we go to mission.
Promise: …”Your heart shall rejoice and your bodies flourish like grass, the Lord’s power shall be known to
His servants.” (Isa 66:14)
The first reading from the prophet Isaiah is filled with images of healing, hope, and a promise to the people of God, that they will find comfort and security in the boundless love of God. For “as a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you,” declares Isaiah. God’s constant provision for our daily bread reminds us of our own responsibility to ensure that all are fed according to God’s plan and design, with food for the body and food the soul, both of which are essential, like the deep bond between mother and infant.
The second reading, taken from St Paul’s letter to the Galatians, tells us that what the world values most – wealth, prestige, power, etc – are unimportant, and that the only thing that really matters is to know Jesus and be a new creation in Christ.
Three words sum up this letter: peace, mercy and grace. For those who accept salvation from Christ, there is the gift of peace – the fullness of life in harmony with God and with one another, there is mercy for the coming judgment of God and, when all is said and done, everything is grace! Peace is God’s graciousness towards His people because of His covenant and is the reason and source of our sense of well-being, and of God’s protection and blessing. Thus, the greeting of peace is not just an ordinary greeting or wish, but a sharing of God’s gift of peace, joy, and well-being.
The gospel of Luke tells how the Lord appoints 72 disciples and sends them out in pairs to preach the Good News, giving them Spirit-empowered and Spirit-guided instructions. We are the successors of those disciples and, like them, are being sent out to the various places Jesus intends to visit. He gives us similar instructions – what to say and do, to travel light, unburdened by unnecessary clutter and attachment to material things, and not overly concerned with our physical comfort. Our priorities must be the things of God. Like the original 72, we too are sent as Christ’s representatives, not as mere listeners or recipients of the word, but as instruments of the Lord to places and situations we find ourselves in. It is our faithfulness in our daily life that prepares the way for Christ. We have a mission from the Lord – a mission to preach His kingdom with love and service.
To keep our focus on our mission, we need to simplify our lives. There is such a thing as slavery to things and material possessions, as if these could ensure happiness. The Lord calls us to simplify our lives not only materially, but spiritually, so as not to complicate our mission. His call to us is also to simplify our mission, since we tend to become involved in too many issues, try to do too much too soon, and often end up doing none of them well. The activity, rather than the objective, becomes our focus.
We are likened to lambs (which are helpless animals) sent among wolves (which prey on sheep). We are to depend solely on God grace to provide what is necessary for our mission, and to help us overcome difficulties we may encounter along the way. For this reason, we must trust God and not things or money, or our own talents and skills as we go about our missionary work. Like lambs, we are to be simple, gentle and docile, not out to overpower with all sorts of showy signs or threats of hellfire for those who do not convert. No! The way is through gentleness, caring and by means of quiet, steady work and good example.
The moment we profess being Christians, our behavior speaks for us. It becomes our witness. If we practice what we preach — are honest, dependable, generous, even-tempered, understanding, ever ready to lend a hand, and faithful to our word – then those we preach to will have strong reason to believe that indeed, God’s rule is not far from them, since God is already ruling our lives. Then, we, as God’s missionaries, will receive His comfort in Isaiah 66:14 – …”Your heart shall rejoice and your bodies flourish like grass, the Lord’s power shall be known to His servants.”
Father in heaven, you have given each of us in this community a special responsibility to go out into the mission field. You are our help as we stand committed to the mission set before us. Grant us the courage, strength and power for the mission to which you send us. May we be meek as lambs, submissive and obedient, always dependent upon our ever-living, all-powerful God for all that we need to work in your vineyard, filled with the fire of your love, and willing to give of ourselves generously to build up your kingdom on earth. Amen.
Reflection Questions:
1. How am I spreading the Good News of salvation in the way the Lord calls me?
2. How open am I to the instructions and disciplines of the Lord as I go out in mission?
This Week’s Daily Mass Reading Guide:
July 7, 2013 (Sun) Is 66:10-14/Ps 66:1-7,16,20/Gal 6:14-18/Lk 10:1-12,17-20 or 10:1-9
July 8, 2013 (Mon) Gn 28:10-22/Ps 91:1-4,14,15/Mt 9:18-26
July 9, 2013 (Tues) Gn 32:23-33/Ps 17:1-3,6-8,15/Mt 9:32-38
July 10, 2013 (Wed) Gn 41:55-57;42:5-7,17-24/Ps 33:2,3,10,11,18,19/Mt 10:1-7
July 11, 2013 (Thur) Gn 44:18-21,23-29;45:1-5/Ps 105:16-21/Mt 10:7-15
July 12, 2013 (Fri) Gn 46:1-7,28-30/Ps 37:3,4,18,19,27,28,39,40/Mt 10:16-23
July 13, 2013 (Sat) Gn 49:29-32;50:15-26/Ps 105:1,-4,6,7/Mt 10:24-33
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