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  • Reflection for September 2019

    Reflection for September 2019

    Community Word: True disciples possess the heart and character of Christ. Order: “…Come after me…be my disciple.” (Lk 14:27b) Reflection: A disciple is a follower or a learner who adheres […]

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  • WSC Reflection for September 1, 2019

    WSC Reflection for September 1, 2019

    22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle C, Year I) Community Word:True disciples possess the heart and character of Christ. Theme:We possess the heart and character of Christ when we conduct […]

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  • WSC Reflection for August 25, 2019

    WSC Reflection for August 25, 2019

    21st Sunday in Ordinary Time(Cycle C, YearI) Community Word:To be with God is the greatest treasureof all. Theme:We store heavenly treasure when we strive to endure our trials with discipline. […]

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  • WSC Reflection for August 18, 2019

    WSC Reflection for August 18, 2019

    20th Sunday in Ordinary Time(Cycle C, YearI) Community Word:To be with God is the greatest treasure of all. Theme:We store heavenly treasure when we rid ourselves of sin and fix […]

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  • Community Word for October 2019

    Community Word for October 2019

    (WORD, THEMES AND PROMISES) READINGS October 6  -Hb 1:2,3;2:2-4/Ps 95:1-2,6,7,8,9/2Tm 1:6-8,13,14/Lk 17:5-10 October 13 -2Kgs 5:14-17/Ps 98:1-4/2Tm 2:8-13/Lk 17:11-19 October 20 -Ex 17:8-3/Ps 12:1-8/2Tm 3:14-4:2/Lk 18:1-8 October 27 -Sir 35:12-14,16-18/Ps […]

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  • WSC Reflection for August 11, 2019

    WSC Reflection for August 11, 2019

    19th Sunday in Ordinary Time(Cycle C, YearI) Community Word:To be with God is the greatest treasure of all. Theme:We store heavenly treasure when we remain vigilant and faithful servants. Promise: […]

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  • Reflection for August 2019

    Reflection for August 2019

    Community Word: To be with God is the greatest treasure of all. Order: “Seek what is above… not of what is on earth.”(Col 3:1-2) Reflection: In life, there seems to […]

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  • WSC Reflection for August 4, 2019

    WSC Reflection for August 4, 2019

    18th Sunday in Ordinary Time(Cycle C, YearI) Community Word:To be with God is the greatest treasure of all. Theme:We store heavenly treasure when we guard against idolatry and worldly attachments. […]

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  • WSC Reflection for July 28, 2019

    WSC Reflection for July 28, 2019

    17th Sunday in Ordinary Time(Cycle C, Year I) Community Word:Disciples of Christ are empowered to proclaim the Good News. Theme:Disciples of Christ are empowered when they persistently intercede for others. […]

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  • WSC Reflection for July 21, 2019

    WSC Reflection for July 21, 2019

    16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle C, Year I) Community Word:Disciples of Christ are empowered to proclaim the Good News. Theme: Disciples of Christ are empowered when they reflect on […]

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