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  • WSC Reflection for November 12, 2017

    WSC Reflection for November 12, 2017

    Word Sharing Circle (WSC) Reflection Guide 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A, Year I) Community Word: God exalts His faithful servants. Theme:  God exalts those who remain vigilant in […]

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  • Reflection for November 2017

    Reflection for November 2017

    Community Word: God exalts His faithful servants Order: “Come, share your Master’s joy.” (Mt 25:23c) Reflection: The call to servanthood as followers of Jesus Christ is by God’s grace alone.  […]

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  • WSC Reflection for November 5, 2017

    WSC Reflection for November 5, 2017

    31st Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A, Year I) Community Word: God exalts His faithful servants. Theme:  God exalts those who serve others with humility. Promise: “… whoever humbles himself […]

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  • Community Word for December 2017

    Community Word for December 2017

    (WORD, THEMES AND PROMISES) READINGS December 3 – Is 63:16-17,19; 64:2-7/ Ps 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19/ 1Cor 1:3-9/ Mk 13:33-37 December 10 – Is 40:1-5, 9-11/Ps 85:9-10, 11-12, 13-14/ 2Pt 3:8-14/ […]

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  • WSC Reflection for October 29, 2017

    WSC Reflection for October 29, 2017

    30th Sunday in Ordinary Time(Cycle A, Year I) Community Word: Obedience to God’s will keeps us growing in holiness. Theme: We grow in holiness when we manifest love of God […]

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  • WSC Reflection for October 22, 2017

    WSC Reflection for October 22, 2017

    29th Sunday in Ordinary Time(Cycle A, Year I) Community Word: Obedience to God’s will keeps us growing in holiness. Theme:  We grow in holiness when we give to God what […]

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  • WSC Reflection for October 15, 2017

    WSC Reflection for October 15, 2017

    28th Sunday in Ordinary Time(Cycle A, Year I) Community Word:Obedience to God’s will keeps us growing in holiness. Theme:  We grow in holiness when we heed God’s invitation to commune […]

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  • WSC Reflection for October 8, 2017

    WSC Reflection for October 8, 2017

    27th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A, Year I) Community Word Obedience to God’s will keeps us growing in holiness. Theme: We grow in holiness when we use our God-given […]

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  • Reflection for October 2017

    Reflection for October 2017

    Community Word:    Obedience to God’s will keeps us growing in holiness. Order:   “Keep on doing what you have learned and received and seen in me.”(Phil 4:9a) Reflection: Holiness is […]

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  • WSC Reflection for October 1, 2017

    WSC Reflection for October 1, 2017

    26th Sunday in Ordinary Time(Cycle A, Year I) Community Word Obedience to God’s will keeps us growing in holiness. Theme: We grow in holiness when we focus our minds on […]

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