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  • Community Word for September 2015

    Community Word for September 2015

    WORD        Those who trust and serve God are open to His will. ORDER    “Be opened!”(Mk 7:34) PROPHECIES: 1. Your faith in Me is not dead if you complement it […]

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  • WSC Reflection for August 30, 2015

    WSC Reflection for August 30, 2015

    22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time(Cycle B, Year I) Community Word:  Those who believe in Jesus, the Living Bread, will neither hunger, nor thirst. Theme:  We will never hunger nor thirst […]

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  • WSC Reflection for August 23, 2015

    WSC Reflection for August 23, 2015

    21thSunday in Ordinary Time(Cycle B, Year I) Community Word:  Those who believe in Jesus, the Living Bread, will neither hunger, nor thirst. Theme:     We will never hunger or thirst […]

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  • WSC Reflection for August 16, 2015

    WSC Reflection for August 16, 2015

    20th Sunday in Ordinary Time(Cycle B, Year I) Community Word:  Those who believe in Jesus, the Living Bread, will neither hunger, nor thirst. Theme:   We will never hunger or thirst […]

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  • WSC Reflection for August 9, 2015

    WSC Reflection for August 9, 2015

    19thSunday in Ordinary Time(Cycle B, Year I) Community Word:  Those who believe in Jesus, the Living Bread, will neither hunger, nor thirst. Theme:    We will never hunger or thirst when […]

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  • WSC Reflection for August 2, 2015

    WSC Reflection for August 2, 2015

    18th Sunday in Ordinary Time(Cycle B, Year I) Community Word:  Those who believe in Jesus, the Living Bread, will neither hunger, nor thirst. Theme:    We will never hunger nor thirst […]

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  • Reflection for August 2015

    Word:        Believers of Jesus, the Living Bread, will never hunger nor thirst. Order:    “Do not work for food that perishes but for the food that endures for eternal life.”(Jn6:27a) […]

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  • Community Word for August 2015

    Community Word for August 2015

    (Word, Themes and Promises) WORD    Those who believe in Jesus, the Living Bread, will neither hunger, nor thirst. ORDER    “Do not work for food that perishes but for the food […]

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  • WSC Reflection for July 26, 2015

    WSC Reflection for July 26, 2015

    17thSunday in Ordinary Time(Cycle B, Year I) Community Word:  The grace of God is sufficient for us to perform mighty deeds. Theme:     The grace of God is sufficient when […]

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  • Community Word for July 2015

    Community Word for July 2015

    (Word, Themes and Promises) WORD    The grace of God is sufficient for us to perform mighty deeds. ORDER    “But you … whether they heed or resist … they shall know […]

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