“I was in prison, and you visited me.” (Matthew 25: 36). These words of Christ remind us that the Lord is found when we meet Him in the lives of others.
We, the Mission soldiers of Christ, conquered our fears and anxieties by the grace of God, to put our faith into action by visiting the prisoners at Warkworth Institution last Sunday, September 16, 2012. (Warkworth is a prison facility located near Warkworth Village in Campbellford, Ontario. The Institution has 577 male inmates on a medium high security, with 40% of the offenders serving life sentences.)
Spending time with the inmates was truly an uplifting and humbling experience. Our hearts were filled with compassion for these men, as we felt their hunger for God from their heartfelt singing and raising of hands in worship, as well as their inner pain and regret from their soft cries and sniffles. Whatever trials and difficulties we are experiencing in our personal lives are nothing compared to what these inmates are going through, deprived of personal liberties, separation from families and friends, and about half of them, a “permanent” life confined in prison.
The inmates expressed their gratitude as they waited for us at the chapel after the praise and worship, shook hands with us and thanked us, and then some of the “band members” also played some songs for us. The barrier of prejudice and judgment was broken; we somehow had a “dying to self” moment when we forgot the human nature of “self protection and preservation”, even for awhile, as we fellowship with them, sung with them and cheered with them. What a dawning realization that they too, are beloved children of God, equally loved and forgiven by Him.
We rejoice and give glory to our God in serving His people in Warkworth and provide hope and encouragement to them through our prayers and songs and fellowship. Truly, it is by giving of ourselves to others in the love of God that we see the face of Jesus, our Lord. We hope that we, in the words of St, Paul, became instruments of God’s love to these inmates, even for a brief moment.
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