The Council of Servant Leaders (CSL) announces that Ben and Ely Marquez, Servant Leaders for Mission, are the new Presiding Servant Leader (PSL) for the period, September 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022. Their main function includes presiding over the meetings of the CSL. The CSL likewise expresses its gratitude to Jojo and Koi Jalandoni, SL for Formation, for acting as PSL from July 1, 2021 to August 31, 2021. Please refer to the CB for the announcement.
Ref. CB 08-2021-033A
August 30, 2021
For: Cluster Shepherds
District Council of Stewards
Interim DCS
Cc: Bishop Rey Evangelista, Community Spiritual Director
From: The Council of Servant Leaders
Subject: Presiding Servant Leaders (PSL) – September 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022
Peace and love of Christ to all!
We praise and thank the Lord for our new Presiding Servant Leaders (PSL), Ben & Ely Marquez, Servant Leaders for Mission, who will preside over the Council of Servant Leaders (CSL) from September 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022.
As Presiding Servant Leaders they are:
- To preside over the meetings of the Council of Servant Leaders;
- To coordinate and support the various plans and activities of the Council;
- To ensure that concerns of the BLD Community globally are addressed and resolved; and
- When situations warrant, to decide on matters requiring immediate resolution and to report this to the Council in its next meeting.
We take this opportunity to express our gratitude to Jojo and Koi Jalandoni, who were the Presiding Servant Leaders during the two months of transition, from July 1, 2021 to August 31, 2021.
Please disseminate this announcement to all District members. Communications for the CSL may be addressed to Ben & Ely Marquez (e-mail:; Mobile/Viber: 0917-8070882; and copy-furnish the CSL Secretariat, c/o Alfred Kudemus (e-mail: 09178130940).
Your co-servants in the service of Christ,
The Council of Servant Leaders