November 7, 2013
Parish of St. Augustine of Canterbury, Humboldt, Saskatchewan – a new BLD Mission Field
God’s immense grace continues to unfold, through the strong desire of Sr. Marlene (Pinky) Aquino, MACE to help out our Filipino migrant workers and permanent residents in Humboldt, Saskatchewan.
She was tasked by the parish priest to provide Pastoral Care to our fellow countrymen. She immediately sought the assistance of the BLD ECSL through Ed & Malou Malay and Jojo & Koi Jalandoni. Having gone through the BLD formation herself 17 years ago, she entered BLD as a single candidate through the LSS and went through all formation programs until she sealed her covenant. Sr. Pinky served under IPCD- Institute of Parish Development Community and has gained the needed exposure prior entering the religious order MACE, Missionary Apostolates of Christ the Evangelist.
After seeking the approval of the parish priest, Fr. Ephraim Mensah and his asst. pastor, to establish a parish charismatic community open to all nationalities, initial talks were conducted to send candidates to attend the BLD Edmonton LSS which was conducted last Oct.19 – 21. Volunteers from Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver were tapped to shepherd them. BLD Edmonton opened their homes to house them. Preparatory plans which included matching of shepherds and lambs ensued. Their group was composed of 1 couple, 3 adults, 1 Solo-Parent & 3 youth accompanied by Sr. Pinky, taking an 8 hour long road trip to Edmonton. The 3-day LSS was indeed a spiritually exhilarating experience as evidently shown in the glow of their faces. They have received the Holy Spirit and gained a lot of new friends through our brothers and sisters during the weekend who warmly welcomed them.
As they headed back home Sunday night, Sr. Pinky eagerly looks forward to the succeeding teachings that await the candidates. More teachings will be provided by BLD Vancouver. To help sustain this newly invigorated group which will be the core of the Parish Charismatic group, they will have their regular word sharing circles and teachings that will equip them. They will also be tapped to be the church workers as they volunteer to be greeters, lectors and Eucharistic Ministers in their parish. Serving the Lord with fervor will now flow naturally from their grateful hearts.
The Parish of St. Augustine of Canterbury is a BLD-Assisted Parish under BLD Vancouver and with support from BLD Edmonton & BLD Calgary. For 2014, their Single and Youth Parishioners will be invited to attend the BLD Edmonton SE & YE weekends while the couples will be attending the possible Regina Marriage Encounter and everyone for the possible LSS in Regina, Saskatchewan.
Praise the Lord!
Alex and Mel Ebarvia (DSL – Vancouver Cluster)